Fawlty Showers
Step 1.5
“How’s the workbook coming along,” Katy asked when she was done laughing.
I looked at my shoes, looked up and said, “I should have started it by now, but I’m struggling.”
“Oh, why?”
I was a little embarrassed, but I told the truth. “I want it to be good. It’s the first thing I’ll write for Fawlty Showers.”
Katy said, “Lots of people admit they have a problem, maybe something they need to do, but don’t do anything. I always thought there should be a half step. After you admit you have a problem, you recognize it’s time to do something, and then start.”
“Step 1.5,” I said. “I like it. I’m gonna have to work that step, and get started no matter how hard it is.”
Today I’ll admit it’s time to start, and get started.
Fawlty Showers ? 2020 by Ken Montrose
Fawlty Showers is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
· www.greenbriartraining.com
· https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001K8MG0S
· https://www.pinterest.com/kenmontrose/mt-rose/