Fawlty Showers 2
Tempting, But No…
Brat Boy was watching the NBA at my house when I got home from the meeting. I showed him an old recruiting letter I’d found while sorting through the attic.
“You ever regret not going there?” I asked.
Brat Boy shook his head. “On a warm spring day they might only get a foot of snow. I wasn’t really tempted.”
While we watched Steph Curry rain three pointers on the Trail Blazers, I thought of all the things that didn’t tempt me.
I was never tempted to eat another 10,000 calorie slice of lasagna because I hated lasagna.
I was never tempted to take a loan out to buy coffee in a place where an ‘e’ was pronounced like ‘a’.?No $15 latte grande from the cafe for me (pronounced ‘may’). ?
Most importantly, I wasn’t tempted anymore to have one more drink, get in my car, and ruin someone’s life, most likely my own.
Today I’ll be grateful for ways I’m not tempted.
Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
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