Fawlty Showers 2
Patience Practice
I got to the AA meeting late that night. As I grabbed a seat in the back, the chairmen introduced the speaker.
His real name was Toby, but we called him The Preacher because every conversation with him was a lengthy sermon.
I thought about sneaking out of the meeting, but Margaret the Newbie had seen me walk in. I didn’t want to set a bad example.
My first sponsor had told me to try being grateful for long sermons, boring classes, and long-winded speakers. “They give you a chance to practice being patient.”
‘Don’t I get enough practice?’ I asked myself. I could feel the impatience building. ‘Apparently not,’ I answered.
As The Preacher droned on, I made myself relax, and tried to be grateful for the practice.
Today I’ll try to be grateful for whatever teaches me patience.
Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: