Fawlty Showers 2
What Does A Shadow Weigh?
Back in my office after lunch, I found myself thinking about how much brighter Abigail seemed. It was as if she stepped out from under her aunt’s heavy shadow.
I put DipshitDumbass on my lap. “We tell people to put the past behind them,†I said to the bunny. “Don’t let someone live rent free in your head. Live in the moment.â€
DD’s ears twitched. He was listening, so I went on. “It’s sound advice, but sometimes we get frustrated, maybe a little judgmental with people who don’t.â€
I stroked the rabbit and went on, “The past casts a shadow.?We only see the shadow, we don’t feel how heavily it weighs on someone. ?We guess that since it’s only a shadow, it shouldn’t weigh much.â€
?“Today I’m not going to guess how much someone’s shadows weigh. I’m going to help them live in the moment without judging them for how much they’re affected by the past.â€
Today I won’t guess what other’s people’s shadows weigh.
?Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: