Fawlty Showers 2
WD-40 and Ferrari
I saw the For Sale sign on my way to work.
“Alcohol is to doing dumb things what WD-40 is to stuck and rusty nuts and bolts,†I said to the steering wheel.
I knew the guy selling the house. We’d had a few casual conversations at the gym. ?I’d heard later he’d lost everything to a Ponzi scheme.
“Lust and greed also grease the skids on dumb ideas,†I said. “Why sink all your money into a somewhat legal, get-rich quick scheme? Because you’ve had four stiff drinks and the extremely attractive sales rep driving a Ferrari promised huge returns on your investment.â€
To be sure, I still did dumb things completely sober. I’d washed a pair of pants with my cell phone in the pocket, fell into a creek holding another one. More than once I’d ignored clouds rolling in and been caught in a thunderstorm on my bike.
I said to the steering wheel, “At least I don’t do dumb things that could ruin my life.†I thought for a moment. “OK, if I destroy another phone Dr. Deb might kill me, but still…â€
Today I’ll be grateful for every dumb thing I don’t do.
Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: