Fawlty Showers 2
“Do you believe in ghosts?” Dana asked at lunch.
“I believe in spirits,” I said. ?“I don’t think my dad’s ghost is around, but I see his kindness and his warmth in my children every day. They’ve kept his spirit alive.”
Katy said, “My husband’s dad was evil.?His mean spirit lives on in his son.” She patted her belly as a determined look crossed her face. “We will keep that spirit away.”
“Don’t know about ghosts,” Randy said, “but I do know we get to pick whose spirit we keep around.”
“Why are you asking about ghosts?” I said to Dana.
“If something happened to The Dope, I’d hate to think his ghost might hang around,” Dana said. ?We all laughed, except Dana.
Today I will keep the good spirits alive.
?Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: