Fawlty Showers 2
Bridges Burned
When I got to work the next day Katy was staring at her computer screen, shaking her head.
“What’s up?” I asked.
Katy said, “A message from my ex’s mother. A list of her expectations for the baby. Did I tell you she pushed her son to refuse to pay child support?”
I looked over Katy’s shoulder at the list that ended with ‘do this and we’ll get along fine.’
“How do you even respond?” I asked.
“You don’t,” Katy said. “If someone burns the bridge between you, you don’t have to listen to them shouting at you from the other side.”
I liked the analogy. “You’d be foolish to stand on your side watching what they do on theirs.”
“If someone walked away from you, burning the bridge behind him, you don’t risk drowning to swim after them.”
“The further you move away from the shore, the harder it is for them to take shots at you.”
Katy hit delete. “I think we’ve tortured that analogy enough for one day.?Better to stick with the slogan ‘Let It Go’ and really let other people’s issues go.”
Today I’ll let it go.
Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
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#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible