Fawlty Showers 2
Chock One Up
I got to my office and opened my laptop.?DipshitDumbass the bunny hopped over and I put him on my lap.
“I’m trying to describe change once someone gets past the initial struggle,” I said to DD.
I sat thinking for a long time.?Finally, I said, “Picture a runway with a slight upward slope.?A shallow swamp lies at the downward end.”
DD twitched his ears, a sure sign he was listening.
“Some days you soar in your plane. Other days your plane just takes you were you want to go and back. Routine flight, routine day, but still OK.”
DD’s ears twitched again.
“Other days you’re grounded. The weather’s bad. You’re too sick to fly.?On those days you have to put wheel chocks in place to keep the plane from rolling backwards into the swamp.”
Bunnies can be a little slow, so I explained the analogy.
“The plane is the change you made. Soaring is the rewards. Routine flights are getting through the day.?Bad weather and sickness are the things in life we all go through, whether we’ve made the change or not. The swamp is relapsing.”
DD turned to face me, no doubt dying to know what the wheel chocks were.
“The wheel chocks are the supports we put in place to maintain the change. Could be supportive people, maybe a healthy routine we follow no matter how we feel. For some folks it’s faith.”
I paused for dramatic effect. “The wheel chocks are way more important than their small size would suggest.”
DD twitched in agreement.
Today I’ll maintain my wheel chocks.
Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
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#addictionawareness #dailymessage #inspiration #odaat #recoveryposse #recoveryispossible