Favorites Versus Intimates
Favorites Versus Intimates
We learned yesterday that God doesn’t show favoritism. However, He does enjoy closeness with His own—throughout the Bible, God had an intimate relationship with His people. And today, all who have received Jesus Christ as Savior have become part of God’s family.
The heavenly Father desires to have an intimate relationship with each one of His children. We get to enjoy this closeness by engaging with Him in His Word and in prayer. Intimacy comes from a deepening fellowship that leads to our greater understanding of God, His Word, and His will for our life. As we spend time with Him and obey Him, He begins to conform us to His image. Then He works through us, and we reflect Him to those around us, like a light set on a lampstand (Matt. 5:14-16).
Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied just with being saved from wrath. The Lord desires that we know Him intimately, and He calls each of us to step out in faith and commitment. He wants us to be characterized like Abraham, who is tenderly described as a friend of God (2 Chron. 20:7).