Favorite Hobby of Mine
What is your favorite hobby or pastime?
Hobbies are not where one like me excels for one reason or another. Though thinking about it now photography would be a good activity to call a ‘hobby’. Photography is fun to me and helps me with my overall story telling (in general). There has been some confusion lately and in my view it is understandable. The confusion is in the fact that through communicating online yesterday to people who haven’t ever ‘bumped’ into me before they were lost as to what they were ‘looking at’.
For example there was a comment stating that my articles were philosophical in nature… and they may seem so, but that would be a compliment. Plus in no way do an unorganized person like me can claim the title of ‘philosopher’ (but on the other hand the comment did bring a lot of insight). The response did make it clear that what happens here (for me) is ‘general writing’. Poindexter’s Coffee is the social media aspect of these writings where ‘photography’ and other interests of mine are encapsulated.
The whole point (of my rambling haha) is that it was interesting to see the point of view from an ‘new-comer’s’ perspective. My goal is that the wonderful new-comers can (hopefully) be better greeted upon meeting us. For now the website has been updated and it is work that gets done with passion for me. Thank you for staying tuned and for the most part this is not a blog on philosophical thoughts (or even promoting philosophy), but it may seem so. Do you know a philosopher? That seems cool. Let us know in the comment section below. Stay well. :)