Favorite Five: Are You a Jerk at Work?

Favorite Five: Are You a Jerk at Work?

1. “5 Helpful Reminders to Keep Your Content Fresh” by Tim Asimos, Circle S Studio

SMPS Boston recently renovated their website with the help of Circle S Studio. Circle S has been an insightful source of information on content marketing, and this is their latest blog post with some very useful hints for your company’s blog and social media channels. If you like that post, read more from Tim on SMPS Boston’s blog!

2. “Inside the Psychology of Productivity” by Leigh Buchanan, Inc. Magazine

Multi-tasking is challenging and although it seems like you may have been busy working…if you can’t cross some completed tasks off your to-do list at the end of the day, it can be frustrating. In this article, Leigh discusses how to make the most of those fleeting 24 hours.

3. “How to Tell if You’re a Jerk at Work” by Daniel Ames & Abbie Wazlawek, The Wall Street Journal

It’s so easy to come into the office with a chip on your shoulder. Especially due to the recent weather we’ve been dealing with, who’s in a great mood after an extra 2 hours in traffic? Daniel and Abbie give suggestions on how to stay self-aware and know how you come across to your fellow co-workers and even your management. Finding your blind spot could be the key to your future success!

4. “Should You Call That Meeting?” by Wendy MacNaughton, TED

Enough said. So many valuable hours are spent in meetings that lead to nowhere specific and you leave with no additional information and more importantly, less time to get your work done and meet your deadlines.

5. “Is Social Media Making Us All the Same?” by Paul Hiebert, Pacific Standard

An interesting perspective on social media. As we all expand our social media strategies, let’s make sure to keep the content unique and not regurgitate information that’s already out there. I realize how ironic that sounds, since I do exactly that for this Favorite Five series… ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ

photo credit: Jerk Center via photopin (license)


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