To a fault
I ended the workday an hour earlier than usual today.?
Normally I have a fairly consistent schedule, but I hadn’t been feeling well and decided I needed the extra rest.?
It struck me that the difference between choosing to end early and to push through that final hour is the difference between being disciplined and being disciplined to a fault.?
Having a routine and a drive to do good work can serve us well, but ceases to be valuable when it is at the expense of our well being.?
If you feel like you need to rest and you can rest, rest.
Being mindlessly rigid rarely serves us.?
The Daily Spark exists for two reasons:
- To document one idea every day that I've found helpful in my life.
- To inspire you to discover what matters most and to take action towards it.
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About me:
I'm a second-generation Taiwanese American trying to find life’s greatest sources of meaning and make the most out of it
So so true.