Fatigue is Epidemic
Jayne Bryson
Functional Medicine Practitioner & Transformational Coach for Stress, Fatigue, Anti-ageing + Weight Management
We are currently experiencing a fatigue epidemic in Australia.?You are probably saying REALLY I would not have guessed that!?
Many people believe there is no cure for chronic fatigue, but I totally disagree.?We all have the ability to heal ourselves.?
I often hear this response:
As one of my patients said, “The doctor looked at me and said, ‘You’re young! You have no reason to be tired. You just need to exercise more.’?
One of the reasons why is that when we look at blood tests, they often fail to provide an answer for these patients, leaving them more tired, stressed out, and totally over it. Perpetually questioning why they are so tired when nothing shows up. However, when I run a frequency test, I receive more information and we can know very quickly why these symptoms are present. It's what I do automatically when I see new patients
In the meantime, most practitioners are in a desperate search for answers and this can often lead to a generalized diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a debilitating disorder of unexplained, persistent, and/or relapsing fatigue that results in a significant reduction in occupational, social, and personal activities.?
Other diagnostic criteria for CFS includes:
Although the exact cause of CFS is unknown until further investigation, there are several possible triggers that have been identified.?
These include chronic infections such as Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), also known as glandular fever, and biotoxin exposure from tick bites { Lyme disease}, cold sore herpes, and human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), exposure to mould. Just to name a few.
These suspected infective agents trigger an immune cascade that leads to immune dysfunction,?chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and oxidative stress.?
This in turn presents symptomatically with a wide range of symptoms.?
CFS is a complex condition that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment.?
Furthermore, there are other contributing factors from our modern lifestyles that are having an impact on our energy deficits:
If any of this relates to you or someone you know, please get in touch with me,
Let's break the cycle and get your life back asap,
Much Love,?
Jayne Bryson, ND
Book a Discovery Call:
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