Father's Day
I know it's early but I want to say Happy Father's Day to my Dad. I am so blessed to have a Father that has given me so much and has been fully engaged in my life since birth.
I have a short story to share that has influenced how I proclaim my love for Christ. A couple years ago, Dad was in the Hospital. I don't remember for what and it's not relevant to the story. ANYWAY - a Nurse came in one evening while Dad was reading his Bible. The Nurse said - "Oh are you a Pastor". Dad said: "No, I just Love Jesus". WOW and AMEN!
I have traveled a good bit for work at times and have always taken my Bible with me. I feel comfort in having God's word with me and comfort in using my down time to get closer to Him.
While traveling...on multiple occasions people have asked...."Are you a Preacher?" From the Wisdom of my Dad, I say, "No, I just love Jesus!"
Dad - Thank you for being such a wonderful example and for teaching me to be strong in my faith.
Love you Dad!