Father's Day - la fête des pères
Nathalie Paris
Geordie French storyteller extraordinaire; supporting the teaching of languages in primary schools; trainer, speaker
As the parent of 2 children who lost their father aged 6 and 9, I do not make much of a fuss around Father’s Day (I do not around Mother's Day either to be honest!). However if you want to look at stories with interesting father figures in them, here are my favourite!
Extra: for a poem in French (which you can adapt) with a simple video you can use, click here.
For extra poems / words for cards on the Tête à modeler website, click here.
For craft ideas on the Tête à Modeler website, click here.
New in 2021:
- "Bloub bloub bloub", Yuichi Kasano, l'école des loisirs
Do you like the idea of the story of a father having fun with his child... and sea animals too?
- ? Papa Poule ?, Jean Leroy & Giulia Bruel, chez l’école des loisirs
This is the story of a hen who looks for somewhere quiet to lay her egg… will she get her new chick a doting father on the way ? It shows that families, for all sorts of reasons, come in all shapes and forms!
- ? Le papa qui avait 10 enfants ?, Bénédicte Guettier, chez Casterman
After the success of the original story of this single father with his 10 children, there is now a whole series of books telling their adventures. This is by the same lovely author as “Je m’habille… et je te croque” and the “Trotro” books (discover them here). A beautiful book not to miss!!
- ? Petit ours brun veut une histoire ?, Danièle Bour, chez Bayard Jeunesse
Petit Ours Brun is more of a traditional character; this story is very sweet. What is not to like about a little bear wanting his dad to read a story to him? They enjoy it together and Petit Ours Brun asks for his dad to read it again at the end of course!
Read my blog here for ideas on how you may exploit this cute book.
- "Mon petit c?ur", Antonin Louchard, seuil jeunesse
This book is like a "déclaration d'amour", a declaration of love, most likely by a parent to their child... hence the reason why I include it in this blog!
Click here to find out why I highly recommend this story and what you may do with it.
What is your favourite story to use around Fathers' Day? Please tell me in the comments box!
NB Article first published on my website at https://nattalingo.co.uk/my-top-3-stories-to-use-around-fathers-day/