Father's Day Future: My Unorthodox Approach

Father's Day Future: My Unorthodox Approach

Hey everyone, I'm keeping it short and sweet this time around.

I just wanted to touch base with you all on something I've been mulling over this Father's Day weekend. It's a bit different, but hear me out.

We all know being a dad means wanting the best for our families, right? That's why this Father's Day, instead of chilling out during my free time, I spent it at at my desk.

I've found that putting in a few hours of solid work on the weekend, when I can, sets me up to hit the ground running on Monday. No more slogging through endless emails, just straight into the meaty stuff that scales our business.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Isn't Father's Day supposed to be about spending time with family?" And you're not wrong. But here's the thing - what better way to spend my free time than by building a better future for them?

It's not your usual Father's Day, I know, but it's my way of doing the best for my family. What's your way?


