Father's Day 2023
We congratulate all fathers on Father's Day!
Today we introduce you to one of our Carcoustics dads: Alexander Elsing.
In the following interview you learn more about his role as a father, husband, and Vice President IT.
Q: Could you introduce yourself?
A: My Name is Alexander Elsing, Vice President of the IT department and I’ve been working for Carcoustics for 10 years now, in departments like Business Development and Sales – now in IT. I have three children. My oldest son is seven years old, following him are my two daughters at the age of five and three years old.
Q: How can you combine family and work together?
A: The question is what you have as a common goal as a family, I think. And then it takes a lot of coordination. Talking about what you want to do, what you can do, maybe cutting back in some places, in the right places. Parental leave is perhaps a means to this end. Maybe it’s also a signal that people are taking advantage of the opportunities to assume more responsibility, also in their private lives, and to enable the partner to realize his or her potential in the job. Or to develop further. And that's, I think, a form of combining career and family.
Q: How did your career evolve with or despite parental leave?
A: For me, parental leave was a turning point: In consultation with my superior at the time, I also used the time for further development and orientation. I was lucky enough to be able to make a change of the department when I returned. And I believe that, independent from parental leave, I as a man or as a father and perhaps as a supervisor can assess quite well what it means to take on responsibility for others: for the family or also in support for one's own parents or in community service, and to devote time to this. And how important that is and how it can also fulfill you internally and thus also give you energy for the tasks that are present in the job. That balance is in my opinion, what parental leave can initiate.
Q: What would you say prevents some men from going on parental leave in the first place?
A: Well, I guess there are always a lot of different reasons, both personally as well as from external influences. However, I think two main reasons are financial considerations, which certainly play a role, and the feeling of not advancing in work afterwards or having to play the second string. The first issue could be treated by tackling it from a social point of view. A lot is happening in terms of equal pay, equal treatment, and that's a relief and an opportunity that everyone should grasp for. It then becomes possible for both parties to take parental leave. The second issue, regarding getting back in the job and then not making the same progress or to be put back into an inferior position, is something, I cannot confirm from my own experience. I must say that more men and also women even in management positions should do this. You can see how you develop professionally and personally, and ideally you can be an example of how things turn out and how you can develop with your job and family, despite parental leave. That's what I’m trying to be.
Q: Which advice would you give any working father or somebody who is about to be one?
A: I think, even if it seems difficult at first, calmness is a very important thing. In terms of children, illness, education, difficulties that may arise, as well as in the job. Calmness helps asserting our priorities and time, which is a limited resource for all of us. By that I don't mean leaving open tasks undone and saying "Oh, it'll get done eventually", but to take a moment, both on the job and in our private lives to reflect: What does the family need? What does the job need?
Q: What do you like most about your job at Carcoustics?
A: For me, it's the variety. The tasks are so different that you must be flexible in many places. That, coupled with a great team that gets involved, that makes suggestions, that proactively develops solutions, open communication where you watch each other's backs, all of that is a joy. In the international team that we have become in IT, that is a blessing! Organization-wise, I can get involved in the projects we have, but also keep an ear to the ground for what the organization and our internal customers need.
Q: What is your favorite way to relax after a working day?
A: I like to work on smaller or larger projects around the house, preferably of a technical nature or in the garden. You can break a sweat there, which is good.
Q: How’ being a father in three words?
A: Family, gift, responsibility.
Q: Who is your biggest supporter? Do you have a role model?
A: My wife and I do the little things at home to support each other or try to anticipate the other’s need, which obviously doesn't always work out. But more often than not - and even if not, we're a great team.
When it comes to role models, I think I wouldn’t have said that a few years ago, but my parents are certainly role models and supporters for me in a variety of ways. ?What really made me view them as role models was the moment where I realized how well our parents raised me and my siblings. Today I can look in the mirror and I'm very happy with the person I’ve become, which is a good sign.
Thank you, Alex, for being a part of the Carcoustics family and for your open and inspiring words.
Alex, but also all fathers out there: