Fathers and Daughters
Fathers and Daughters
So this morning after trimming up some ribs and putting them on the smoker for a graduation party for my daughter who just finished her Masters. I sat down wrote a post to her on Facebook about her graduation, It was a little mushy and got me thinking about how everyone talks about a woman's first love. I realized that back in my day most men really never were a girls first love! (in today's world that could be very different, but in my day and the generations before me, chances were your baby girl's first love was the love she got the moment she was born coming from her father. He loved her, cared for her, would do anything to protect her, provided for her, wish only the best for her, he saw only the good in her, he dreamed her dreams and he was the first male she would love. She would look to him for comfort, when she cold, for food when she was hungry, answers when confused, protection when scared. As she got older other boys and then soon men would come into her life and would gain her affections and then love, but no matter how deep or quickly she would fall that man would never be able to claim the title of First Love. That honor was earned by her Father!