Fatherless Harlem
Maurice Tyson
Manager: Music, Business, Content & Strategies @Linnetteharriganmedia & Elevate Your Music
I was on the set working as an extra. You're only getting the narrative that is fit for news sound bytes. Most of the film crew took out most of the equipment before the last shot which was going to be a panoramic sweep of the entire club. The cellar / club / set had ONE way in & out for crew & actors plus a backdoor to the backyard that leads to nowhere. Now, the acrid smell of smoke / gas was coming from the ceiling / wall but it didn't become apparent until one of the background yelled "OH,SHIT! THE WALL IS SMOKING!" 2 MEMBERS FROM CREW USED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS TO TRY TO PUT IT OUT!!! BY THAT TIME, THE WALL WAS SPARKED WITH FLAME & THAT'S WHEN WE WERE USHERED OUT! Never mind that an exterior shot was planned for the exteriors for the overnight shoot - it was automatically cancelled! We went to the bus down the block which was satellite holding & in minutes the 1st firetruck hit the block. We were told we were wrapped. We got our stuff & went back to holding. After I changed & signed out, I had to walk one block over to W.147th & St.Nick because they shut down everything from W.151st to W.148th. That building was engulfed in fire. I'm not going to give my theories here because you have investigators who are trained for that. But I pray for the family who lost a champion. A firefighter named #MichaelJDavidson - a father of 4, a husband & a hero!