a male who raises a child
a male parent
a male ancestor
a man who creates, originates, or founds something
the first of the Christian Trinity
Fathers are like alcohol. Some fools think they can do without it. But there is a reason why every civilisation has tried to brew it. Fathers are like soap. We don't think about it much but we haven't been able to live without that under rated object since forever; more so now.
Fathers are a different breed of men. You see, there is the male specie, and then there are Fathers.
Father, if you could see yourself through my eyes, you would see that you are the god and the weight of my world. My first true love. Who knew what tides our lives would ride. I think about you fondly today and everyday.
There are so many people in the world whose lives are broken from the emptiness of fatherlessness and the ugliness of absent and abusive fathers.
There are some however, lucky like me who have had the privilege and honour to have lived in a time when a man chose to fit into that venerable word and role FATHER and showed us rather than told us how much we were and are loved.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, any drifter can birth a child with a woman but it takes a special, rare, grown, breed of a man to stay, stick it out, provide, nurture, fight, love, cry, do what it takes, do whatever it takes to raise that child
To all the men trying, everyday, to do just this; whether with your child or somebody elses'
To all the men who show up for any child at all, you are our gods, our heroes, our Fathers.
You get today off. Enjoy.
Happy Father's Day
#Father #Parenting #Fathersday #Care
Mbafan Ezike.