Father of different fields
1. Father of Management: Henri Fayol - Known for developing general principles of management and administrative theory.
2. Father of Scientific Management: Frederick Winslow Taylor - Known for his work on scientific management principles and time studies.
3. Father of Modern Management: Peter Drucker - Known for his contributions to the study and practice of modern management.
4. Father of Human Relations Movement: Elton Mayo - Known for his research on the social aspects of work and organizational behavior.
5. Father of Marketing: Philip Kotler - Known for his extensive work in marketing theories and practices.
6. Father of Accounting: Luca Pacioli - Known for his work "Summa de Arithmetica," which included the first printed description of double-entry bookkeeping.
7. Father of Modern Accounting: William A. Paton - Known for his contributions to accounting theory and standard-setting.
8. Father of Financial Management: Eugene F. Fama - Known for his work on portfolio theory and efficient-market hypothesis.
9. Father of Total Quality Management (TQM): W. Edwards Deming - Known for his work on quality control and continuous improvement.
10. Father of Project Management: Henry Gantt - Known for the development of the Gantt chart, a project management tool.
11. Father of Human Resource Management: George Elton Mayo - Known for his studies on the impact of human relations in the workplace.
12. Father of Modern Economics: Adam Smith - Known for his work "The Wealth of Nations" and foundational economic theories.
13. Father of Organizational Behavior: Chester Barnard - Known for his work "The Functions of the Executive" and contributions to organizational theory.
14. Father of Modern Marketing Research: Arthur C. Nielsen - Known for founding ACNielsen, a global marketing research firm.
15. Father of Public Relations: Edward Bernays - Known for his pioneering work in public relations and propaganda techniques.