Father Daughter Day with Dr. Stephen L. Berman, my Daddy

Father Daughter Day with Dr. Stephen L. Berman, my Daddy

I use to called the switchboard operator sometimes 2 talk or find my Daddy, especially if I felt sick! No matter how long I wait he won't be coming home 4m Heaven, no time off 4 good behavior! My Dad is watching me, sad he can't seem 2 help me much 4m Heaven & there is no1 thats cares about what happens 2 me 2 help me! I even went 2 his school w/him a few times, it was 2 hard 2 go often, what a hard long day! I woke up at 5 am 2 eat breakfast got ready at 6 am, by 6:30 am we had 2 leave 2 commute in 2 the city & beat the morning traffic, Bronx River Parkway! It was about a 50 minute drive! We got there he got his coffee, showed me off to everybody he saw, he knew everybody working there half his life, walked 2 his classroom, he starting setting it up, every1 said HI DR. BERMAN!!! At first it was fun & exciting, nervous, then it got boring & long the day, then I started 2 feel sick! I tuned out his teaching not on purpose, I didn't understand it, I usually drew a picture, I watched him 4 a while teach! Then he went 2 the office, got supplies, proudly introduced me,"Did U ever meet my daughter, this is my daughter!"Then he was setting up his handwritten slides 4 the projector, I was drawing on the blackboard or green board w/chalk! Then I said hi 2 the switchboard lady's Mary & Olive, then they said they remember when I was little & I got so big, then lunch, a long walk through the campus 2 get 2 the Cafeteria! I got black coffee, I was getting tired! The lunch ladies wrapped up a plate 4 me 4 later w/an Oreo pie! Then Daddy maybe called home w/me, then he was setting up a movie 4 his next class A.P. Statistics & Social Science & he turned off the lights & showed Love Story & the movie made a pretty girl cry! Not a romance fan at all, he once made me read the whole book 2 in the summer, I think I was 17, it was an old 1970's book in good shape original his I guess! Then some girls said "It's so cool I'm his daughter" & smiled a lot! They were in awe of me, even a 14 year old boy copied that I rolled up my sleeves. Daddy was the big Man on Campus there! He said U can't wear UR baseball cap on backwards & no caps, this was when that was popular, there was a dress code! I was dressed nice a new outfit 4m KIDS R US! The last time I went I think I was 25! I got some smell & sniff markers 2 draw 4m the math office, they keep U awake! I cut out red paper napkins in his own office making snowflakes it was near Thanksgiving or Christmas time, he had a desk, phone, file cabinets, he was administration, head of clubs! His boss walked in saw the snowflakes & clippings all over, Daddy said I wasn't feeling well & tired & that he couldn't stay late 4 the math department faculty meeting, his boss said "Well U gotta do, what U gotta do!" I copied my hand & medical bracelet, I was xeroxing my hand, yes only I would do stuff like this! I have personality, I was even wearing a cool thin braid on the side of my hair, very cool! I had Hypoglycemia that came out a lot, fainting spells sometimes that put me in the E.R. often until I learned 2 watch my sugars & carbs! My lowest blood sugar recorded at a physical was 47 & I didn't black out or have blurry vision, it musta been lower when that happened I just felt yucky & woozy at 47! 70-120 is normal blood sugar! I needed 2 wear a medical alert I.D. bracelet then & it said I had Hypoglycemia & Heart problems & my home number & Doctor's number! It was big on me, I should have got the child size one, my grandpa had a medical necklace, he was diabetic & took insulin! Well I colored in my hand from the Xerox w/markers, he put it in his file cabinet! Finally we were getting ready 2 leave & say goodbye, he got me a bottled water, I felt faint! He stopped at a children's clothing store in Yonkers on the way home, I even tried on some clothes, we just looked! Then he stopped at Pizza Hut 4 dinner & I probably got half veggie, half meatlovers! What a stressful day, I was overtired, I ate & watched the Gimme a Break episodes I had recorded w/Joey & Matthew Lawrence my favorite then, they were in reruns it was around 2006 I think, I was glad 2 have some alone time & go 2 sleep! It was a super, great, happy day spending time with my Daddy and having him all to myself, just us to having a fun day together at the Horace Mann high school showing me off & knowing what an important person he is there and how much is is valued and needed by everyone! by, Christian Mc*y Mazze


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