(FATF) Gray List · News about
The financial world has among its organizations, one that is very followed internationally, and it is called FATF.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Gray List: Understanding its Significance and Impact
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an intergovernmental organization established to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other threats to the international financial system. One of its most well-known tools in achieving these goals is the creation of lists that categorize countries based on their compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) standards. The "Gray List," officially known as the "FATF Public Statement," is a watchlist of jurisdictions that are deemed to have deficiencies in their AML/CTF measures. This article explores what the FATF Gray List is, its significance, and the impact it has on the countries listed.
Understanding the FATF Gray List
Objective: The FATF Gray List is not a punitive measure but rather a mechanism to identify jurisdictions that pose risks to the international financial system. These risks may include insufficient AML/CTF regulations, weak enforcement, or a lack of cooperation in global efforts to combat financial crime.
Criteria: The FATF evaluates countries against a set of standards known as the FATF 40 Recommendations, which cover areas such as customer due diligence, suspicious transaction reporting, and the freezing of terrorist assets. Jurisdictions are assessed based on their compliance with these recommendations.
Significance of the Gray List
Reputation Risk: Being placed on the Gray List can harm a country's reputation in the global financial community. This can result in reduced foreign investment, stricter scrutiny of financial transactions, and potential economic consequences.
Financial Consequences: Gray-listed countries may find it more challenging to access international financial markets. Banks may be hesitant to engage in transactions with entities in these jurisdictions, making cross-border financial activities more complex and expensive.
Enhanced Scrutiny: Financial institutions in other countries may be subject to enhanced due diligence measures when dealing with clients or transactions involving Gray List countries. This increased scrutiny can create administrative burdens and costs.
Limited Access to International Aid: International organizations and donor countries may reconsider or limit their aid and assistance to Gray List countries due to concerns about the misuse of funds or the lack of effective AML/CTF measures.
Impact on Gray-Listed Countries
Reforms and Improvements: Being on the Gray List often spurs countries to strengthen their AML/CTF regimes. They may enact new legislation, enhance enforcement efforts, and cooperate more actively with international bodies like the FATF.
Technical Assistance: The FATF may provide technical assistance and guidance to help countries improve their AML/CTF measures. This assistance can be instrumental in helping Gray List countries work towards compliance.
Removal from the List: Jurisdictions can be removed from the Gray List if they demonstrate significant progress in addressing the identified deficiencies. However, the process of delisting can be lengthy and rigorous.
About Panama
Panama has been removed from the gray list of financial crime watchdog FATF, a register which includes countries deemed to be doing too little to combat money laundering, according to a government statement on Friday.
Panama’s first stint on the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) so-called gray list, which can impact a country’s investment ratings and reputation, was from 2014 to 2016.
It was added back again in 2019.
Panama's Deputy Financial Minister Jorge Almengor had told Reuters in June
he expected Panama to be excluded from the list this month, after authorities had addressed watchdog requests to boost financial transparency.
BELOBABA has been working with Panama for some time, within binding agreements with partners to offer financial services on a global level. This news is good news, since Panama was already doing things very well and is a top-level financial center internationally.