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Dear readers some local criminals/ devils are very upset (it is time for them to get to the gallows), but you please relax, enjoy and invest in Pakistan as much as you can. Especially in industry, property, agriculture and promoting IA / Digital Technology. This is the time to flourish and seek peace in terms of economic strength not by becoming part of Cold War, Media Rumors & opposition tall claims since all are ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT?Let us see two lifelong dreams to get fulfilled; one is respectable employment and second is good leadership with peace in SA region. CPEC is our lifeline connecting China with INDIAN OCEAN? ARABIAN SEA through Gwader and Central Asian States through western routes via Afghanistan. So we are providing Gwader access not only to China but CAS/Russia too. How dare any power on earth can make it a nightmare for the World? If God does not dispose, we shall Insha Allah in the eye of the storm (safest place in a hurricane/turmoil .Why so sure,the reason is Gen Qamar Bajwa with Pakistan Govt are consolidating the gains we made in the Anti- corruption Drive, Anti Money laundering pursuits, Reorientation of Pakistan Foreign Policy and heading for economic stability without falling prey to external hazards/Covid19 and Internal instability amid conspiracies and crisis (AL). In this Article we shall take on few myths and falsify the wrong impression and then briefly enlighten you on CPEC & CAS link via Afghanistan as follows:-

  • It is wrong to say we have been ruined by FATF though this forum has not treated India with the same yard stick as they did with Pakistan, thus it shows visible malignancy. This is what may be taken as tool to expose Indian Terrorist network and as a rogue state. Likewise it is an opportunity to snub devil advocates in Pakistan and recover what they have looted and exported abroad. Govt of Pakistan has recently constituted NICC (National Intelligence Coordination Committee) a very potent forum like NCOC?
  • India is in a very miserable state, they have become very vulnerable economically, militarily & lost all hopes of producing wonders in Afghanistan. They even may not sustain little bit of Pakistani retaliation in Kashmir, whatsoever. Let us hope they survive under MODI.
  • Afghans have not been abandoned, they are very wise people they know how to mint money through CPEC/CA Route and having good relationship with USA, China, Pakistan ,Iran and Russia. Daesh Al-Qaida are extremists with no money freely available to waste on wars, in reality Afghanistan has not much grains to survive and no war munition to keep conquering the same people and territory again & again in the absence of a seasoned and mature leadership? It will definitely take not more than few months to see some light at the end of tunnel, believe me?
  • All myths and rumors about US taking revenge from Pakistan are like "PAINDO PEODUCTION STUDIO FILM+. USA is very comfortable in leaving Afghanistan after completion of its most important mission (not defeating Afghans) but keeping SA held up as much as possible. Now the Covid has played nasty, China their best trade partner has moved far ahead unbelievingly so they?withdrew as wise people to play their global trade role & start B3W?project.
  • America never needed mercy from Afghans/Pakistan they have the tools to glorify where they require without a single soldier but with Sci-Fi products, tools, climate change and US $.It is also possible that Crypto Currency/ Bioterror/ AI wars/ Cyber Attacks may be invisibly creeping in somewhere we never expected.
  • Irani leadership is the most mature, confident and visionary, they are moving ahead very cautiously. It is wrong to say they may resort to missile attack on Israel any time. They will make USA favoring them if not blunting them out rightly.
  • Israel is in turmoil because of US change in the Post Covid Global Order & their friend Modi in high spin. So it is time to let Palestinian come out of adversity than bleeding humanity with anger
  • Pakistan has very successfully came out of Covid 19. It is a big miracle & blessing for us. Let us not cry over split milk?
  • China BRI is the best visionary enterprise CPEC is just a glimpse of that. There are lot of things invisible to most of the people but they are nearing completion. Soon it will uplift Balochistan and provide huge opportunity for technical?labour/non-technical hands.
  • Pakistan Promotes belt and road port for Central Asian Trade.PM Imran Khan is moving to Uzbekistan and CA visit soon. What a news?Uzbekistan has 90 billion $ untapped export market open for Pakistan (MA).
  • Japan is giving 10 Billion $ aid to Pakistan for LNG sector development. China has undertaken 4 Mega Water Dams and 6 hydrology project being completed from 2024 to 2027(IA).
  • PDM is no threat to Govt,PTI ismost l;ikely to win next term also? World feels contended with Imra Khan vision and diplomacy.
  • Now is time for Pakistan to start DABHAR DHOOS (as Dr. Shahid Massod use to say).It will be visible after Eid –ul- Azha

1.????After the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, a number of new states emerged on the world map, including the five Central Asian countries?Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Central Asia is significant for several reasons: it has abundant natural resources like petroleum, natural gas, coal, and iron and shares borders with both Russia and China, whose quest for natural resources increases Central Asia’s importance substantially. In large part to gain access to the rich energy resources, China established diplomatic relations with the Central Asian republics after their foundation in 1991. Russia, too, has been trying to exercise heavy influence over the oil and gas pipelines in those countries. The relationship between China and the Central Asian countries continues to grow as Chinese investment in the region has increased from $1 billion to $50 billion since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the formation of the new republics.2 China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region shares borders with three Central Asian countries and serves as a hub for transportation between them; in fact, 75 percent of the trade between China and Central Asia passes through Xinjiang. China needs stable sources of energy since its energy demands are growing by the day; and in Central Asia, it has been seeking to meet its energy needs through trade and multiple development projects. For instance, it has a gas trade deal with Turkmenistan; and the China-Kazakhstan Oil Pipeline carries 11 million tons of oil daily.

?2.??????The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship project under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); and its launch in 2015 was regarded as a landmark event in the history of the Sino-Pakistani relationship. Gwader has become the foremost regional integration initiative between China and Pakistan. The project is also open to all interested regional stakeholders, among which Central Asia is one of the most important in geopolitical terms. Located in a landlocked but resource-rich region, Central Asian countries need better access to regional markets including Pakistan, China, India, and the countries of West Asia. Pakistan and China have huge energy demands that can be satisfied by growing trade with Central Asia. Thus, the CPEC will not only benefit Pakistan and China, but it also presents a strategic opportunity for Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan to transport their goods more easily and gain competitiveness in regional and global markets end.

3.???Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan recently signed bilateral?agreements with Uzbekistan intended to boost activity in the virtually idle port of?Gwadar.Pakistan is offering access to Gwadar Port, a strategic component in China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), to landlocked Central Asian countries in the hope of stimulating activity at the idle facility. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan recently met with Abdulaziz Kamilov, the foreign minister of Uzbekistan, to sign bilateral agreements on preferential trade, transit procedures, customs cooperation and visa issuances. In November 2018, the Uzbek government initiated a proposal for a railway corridor through Afghanistan to gain access to Pakistani ports. Uzbekistan is landlocked, and has hitherto relied on the Iranian port of Banda Abbas, which is located 850 km west of Gwadar, for handling its external trade.According to Uzbek media, a 600 km track has been proposed to connect Termez in Uzbekistan with Peshawar in Pakistan. It will connect with the $6.8 billion Main Line 1 project in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, (CPEC), a flagship BRI project. The proposed line will be built in five years and is expected to reduce freight transport costs between Central Asia and Pakistan by about a third, according to Uzbek reports.China Economic Net, a Chinese state business newspaper, reported that Uzbekistan is a so considering a second route through China to access Pakistani ports. "Uzbekistan is a perfect match for BRI in Pakistan because of its pivotal location for a logistic hub in Central Asia."Harmonizing development between the two countries might be difficult, but ultimately BRI-induced economic convergence will nurture this relationship," connecting Gwadar to Central Asia as an organic extension of BRI, and as a foray into unlocking the economic potential of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan."The key to BRI's success is to nudge participating states to increase interconnectedness and intermodal logistics,".Observers say Pakistan's move is intended to boost trade movements through Gwadar, and move it center stage in CPEC.

4????.Pakistan hopes promoting Gwadar port to Central Asian countries will bring life to the virtually?idle facility. Garlick believes Gwadar can succeed if it is repositioned as a regional port. "Use of Gwadar for transit trade with Afghanistan and Central Asia is more realistic than with Xinjiang," he said, noting that the need for substantial investment in transport, infrastructure and security. The question now is how much Pakistan can persuade China to invest in connecting Gwadar with Central Asia.The Afghan corridor linking Gwadar with Central Asia will impinge on the economic interests of Iran, which is already burdened by Western sanctions. Experts believe, however, that Iran will retain its importance for trade.BRI will develop many routes and logistics hubs, including Chabahar, a seaport 200 km east of Gwadar in southeastern Iran that connects to the North-South Transport Corridor. The 7,200 km corridor is a ship, rail and road network for moving freight between India, Russia and Europe through Iran and the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian seas."Iran's rail track in the North-South Transportation Corridor will gradually supplement the BRI if completed," said Przybyszewski.Dorsey notes that Uzbekistan is not bound to use the Gwadar route exclusively -- if it gets built: "Uzbeks can use both Bandar Abbas and Gwadar depending on the needs and choices of shippers involved in Uzbekistan's economy."

5.?The CPEC: Key to Linking China, Pakistan and Central Asia China’s investment in the energy and transport infrastructure of Central Asian countries has been quite extensive over the past two decades. In addition to the existing gas pipelines connecting China to Central Asia and providing it with 55 billion cubic meters per year (bcm/y), more pipeline plans are being developed and implemented that are expected to increase gas supply by an additional 30 bcm/y. China has supported the development of other infrastructure in Central Asia as well, including roads, railways, bridges, and telecommunication systems.In 2016, Uzbekistan also confirmed its participation in the CPEC, through which it will potentially double its energy supplies to Pakistan. As the largest Central Asian nation, Kazakhstan has indicated a strong desire to be part of the CPEC, too

6 .All these Central Asian countries are thus potential partners for Pakistan and China, with immense possibilities for regional cooperation and common economic benefits. Yet although these commitments and expressions of support have unsurprisingly come from the highest authorities of Central Asian countries, there remains a daunting challenge to regional connectivity and economic integration: security threats coming especially from Afghanistan, the western neighbor of Pakistan. For trade routes through Afghanistan are the shortest transits from Central Asian countries to Gwadar, but the prospect of enduring peace in the country appears bleak. While this does not mean that the promising future of the CPEC would vanish as a result, it will certainly take a long time before peace and security are in place to facilitate Central Asia’s involvement in the multidimensional project and any addition to its economic appeal. The friendship between Pakistan and China has remained strong for decades. China has always been a priority country in Pakistan’s foreign policy. Pakistan was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with China and their relationship has been growing ever since. During a state visit to Pakistan in 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif signed an agreement on the mega-project known as the CPEC, with an initial planned investment of $46 billion, which was later increased to $51.5 billion and currently stands at $62 billion.9 It is widely considered a game changer for Pakistan in general and Balochistan in particular.10 8Ibid. 9Salman Siddique, “CPEC Investment Pushed from $55b to $62b,” Express Tribune, April 12, 2017, https://tribune.com.pk/story/1381733/cpec-investment-pushed-55b-62b/. 10Zahid Khan, Guo Changgang, Riaz Ahmad and Fang Wenhao, “CPEC: A Game Changer in the Balance of Power in South Asia,” China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Winter 2018), pp. 595–612. Instability in Afghanistan remains a challenge to regional connectivity under the CPEC.It will transform Pakistan’s infrastructure and give Pakistan’s economy a great boost. Notably, the construction of roads and railways will connect Pakistan with Central Asia which, though abundant in natural resources, is a landlocked region that needs an economic corridor to access international markets.

7?.Conclusion The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is not only expected to change the fate of the two countries, but also the whole region, for it will open a gateway to the Indian Ocean, especially through Gwadar Port. While many states will benefit from the CPEC, the landlocked Central Asian states are likely to derive maximum benefit from it: with access to warm waters, they could boost their economies through trade of natural resources and foster commercial relations with world economies. Pakistan and China will also benefit from increasing engagement with Central Asian states, in particular in getting access to their rich natural resources. Enhanced regional connectivity will further strengthen economic integration and cooperation in other fields among regional economies for their common development.

8.???However, between Central Asia and the CPEC lies Afghanistan. Afghanistan provides the shortest and most cost-efficient route of trade and transport, but its internal security dynamics have been the greatest barrier to closer trade relations in the region. All stakeholders need to come up with an approach that helps stabilize Afghanistan and effectively addresses security challenges in the country. At present, the SCO seems to be the best platform for such cooperation, since it includes most of the stakeholders?China, Pakistan, India, CARs, and Afghanistan, and also because SCO members can benefit greatly from smooth trade routes from Russia all the way south to the Indian Ocean.Despite the potential of the CPEC for Central Asia’s connectivity with Pakistan, and for regional connectivity at large, there are several challenges that must be carefully addressed on the construction of the grand project apart from the Afghanistan factor, such as the internal politics in every country involved, relationships with global and regional powers, sustainable finance for the project, environmental issues, global public opinion, and apparent opposition from some countries. Nevertheless, we should maintain confidence in the long-term success of the CPEC, for it will not only benefit the economies of Central Asia and South Asia, but it will also help promote peace and stability among regional countries through greater connectivity and cooperation.


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