Fasting - a Reset for Body and Mind

Fasting - a Reset for Body and Mind

For many people, fasting means giving up certain luxury foods such as sweets, alcohol or meat. Others use it specifically to purify themselves and as an introduction to a change in diet.

Fasting has a long tradition in various cultures and is considered an effective method of cleansing the body and mind. Experts often emphasize the positive effects it can have on the metabolism. Even if we focus on consuming a healthy diet, we are still exposed to environmental toxins every day through fragrances, materials in our homes, and in our environment. Regular fasting can therefore be a useful detoxification measure.

The body's regulatory system

The body has its own regulatory system to eliminate toxins via the intestines, kidneys and liver. If these organs are overloaded, the body stores harmful substances in the skin, joints and connective tissue. What at first glance appears to be a good solution actually places an additional burden on the body, as transport routes are blocked over time and cell function is severely disrupted. Enzymes and hormones can only be produced to a limited extent, as the supply of valuable vital substances comes to a standstill. This creates a vicious circle: A lack of minerals such as calcium, phosphate, zinc and selenium promote the absorption of toxins and their unwanted storage. A high zinc and selenium status, on the other hand, activates the enzyme system and even accelerates detoxification.

Physical responses to fasting

During longer nutritional breaks, the body switches its metabolism to “nutrition from within”. The blood sugar level drops, the insulin level falls and hormones such as glucagon and adrenaline mobilize the fat reserves. This produces ketone bodies, which serve as an energy source for organs and boosts fat metabolism.

During fasting, the body activates protective mechanisms known as autophagy processes. Damaged cell components are broken down and recycled, which reduces inflammation and slows down the ageing process.

Fasting in transition

Classic therapeutic fasting methods according to Buchinger and Mayr or cures such as the Schroth cure, and whey fasting involve abstaining from stimulants, drinking plenty of fluids and reducing calorie intake. In recent years, intermittent fasting has become extremely popular as well, which can be implemented in different ways such as the 5:2 diet or longer food breaks. Fasting intervals of 14 hours or more can be extremely beneficial, as they reduce free radicals and regulate blood sugar.


Therapeutic fasting and detox cures help to eliminate harmful substances. A change in diet makes sense for long-term health and wellness. A diet rich in fresh ingredients, high-quality protein and healthy fats - combined with regular food breaks of at least five hours between meals and a longer period of fasting overnight supports the metabolism and promotes long-term health.

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