Fasting to Feasting

Fasting to Feasting

5 easy steps for a healthy, smooth transition

It is never too late to remind ourselves of the benefits of fasting for both physical and mental health, even a day or two of proper fasting can have unequivocal health benefits, so if you have not taken advantage of the month so far, better late than never.

As Ramadan bids us farewell, the majority of people– even the health-conscious – will exit a month of fasting, and dive head-on into non-stop indulgent feasting. The effect this has on our waistlines is obvious, what most people miss however is how it affects our overall health, especially gut health. This lack of awareness can bring on gastrointestinal issues, leave us feeling sluggish and tired, disturb our sleeping further, and may even outdo all the benefits our bodies reaped from fasting. Needless to say, this is exactly what Eid should not be.

Here are some easy and simple tips that will ensure a healthier Eid:


1-???Prioritize movement

Start your day with a sweat. Ramp up your metabolism and set yourself up for success. 15 minutes of any exercise will transform not only your mood but how your body deals with food throughout the day. Push-ups, run in place, a bike …etc chose something that is doable. In addition, make sure you dial in a 10-minute walk after meals, you can do that around the house/ block. The health benefits of those tiny walks will shock you.



Remember hydration is not just water, so opt for sugar-free nutrient-dense beverages. Make herbal infusions part of your daily routine; they are great for hydration and come with a plethora of health benefits. Herbal infusions are as delicious as they are healthy


3-???Get your sleep back in order.

Lack of sleep drives cravings for sugary food. Try to tap back into a normal sleeping rhythm, ditch high-caffeine beverages and opt for ones moderate/ low in caffeine or better yet caffeine free.


4-?????Eat square meals.

A known fact in the fitness industry is that people who eat proper, filling, and nutritious meals tend to have fewer cravings and snack less and the opposite is true, so don’t skimp on meals, fill your body with high protein, fiber-rich food, you will be less inclined to snack and when you do, you will eat less.

5-?????Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper.

Always leave a few hours between your last meal and bedtime.

Happy and Healthy Fasting and Feasting

Shripad Kurlekar

Head of Sales Department at Secondary Packaging Automation (Infinity Automated Solutions)

1 年

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