The Fastest Way to Get a Client...Like today!
Deano Delpleash
Helping Coaches Get Their First High-Paying Client | Mission to 1 Million | #TheEnergeticIntrovert
"Hey,?Deano?- How do I Get a client like today? I read what you shared in your previous article and I've applied it all"
Look, I'm going to level with you on this one.
Getting a client is simple and easy but the greatest enemy you will face is -> DISTRACTION.
Spending countless hours tinkering with your website, creating graphics for social media posts, or trying to perfect your funnel, won't land you a client.
Another Linkedin Post or Instagram post is not going to get you, clients.
The Truth is all that busy work only get's you EXCITED it doesn't get you, CLIENTS.
Now that is out of the way Iet's talk about what actions would get you, clients.
The ultimate goal is to Land a Client. DUh!
Look at all the work you do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Then Ask yourself....****If you did _______ and ONLY did _______ for 30 days, would you get a client?
If you tinkered with your website for 30 days, would you have a client on day 31?
If you tinkered with your “funnel” for 30 days, would you have a client on day 31?
If you create graphics for social media posts every day for 30 days, would you have a client on day 31?
Do you want to know what 80% of your time should be focused on if your goal is to land clients? it's conversations.
Conversations build relationships, and relationships build trust.
If you had 30 conversations this month with potential clients, could you turn at least one into a client by Day 31? Hell Yes!
Because your work is valuable and you are awesome at what you do!
30 conversations at a conversion rate of 10% are 3 new clients.
Live in conversation, initiate conversations, and let your content lead people to conversations.
"Don't try to do everything, because you'll end up doing nothing."
Instead, leverage the power of one.
??Focus on one offer, (With High-Profit Margins)
??One marketing strategy, (Find then Repeat)
??One entry point. (Do then Done,)
Doing too many different things not only confuses your clients, but confused clients won't buy.
How do I know that? Personal experience. Just like you I've been a confused client.
When you have a clear message to one group of people it makes it easier for them to buy.
I help purpose-driven Coaches and Entrepreneurs launch a 6 figure business and create a repeatable revenue system through High-Performance mastery so that together we can eradicate mental poverty and maximize abundance.
Next week Monday I'm hosting a Free No-opt-in training on: "How to transition from 1:1 coaching and scale with a group coaching model (Without losing clients or revenue)"
Want in? Dm me "Heck Yes" and I'll send you the details.
Think about your coaching practice. How can you leverage the power of one?
I love this quote from Sir Tony Robbins ; " The secret to living is giving"
and the secret to getting a client is to give as well. Giving your prospective clients a coaching experience that will totally rock their entire world.
This can be via and event or it can simply be a 1:1 coaching expereince.
Please note that this is not a discovery call. This is where you show your new client the magic of what you do and create an opportunity to align the client's goals with your expertise.
When you serve a prospect so powerfully with no expectation of gaining anything in return you will create an energy so attractive that they will want to know what's next.
and we both know what's next.
"Would you like to know what it would be like if we continue working on this together?"
Now let's go out and get into more conversations!
if you're ready to take action and start seeing results, then join my free No-Opt-in training next week:
Dm me "Heck Yes", and let's start landing those dream clients together.
Remember, our mission as purpose-driven coaches is to have extraordinary conversations with extraordinary people. Simply live in conversations.