This is the fastest growing asset class you've never heard of.
Spencer X. Smith
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This is the fastest growing asset class you’ve never heard of.
And this is why crypto adoption will continue to grow.
Check out the growth of this asset between January 1, 2020 and today:
January 1, 2020 market cap - $520 million
Today's market cap $42 billion.
What is this mysterious investment?
A hot new biotech fund? The latest AI-focused ETF??
Nope, it’s a stablecoin - USD Coin (USDC).
In the last year, there has been over half a trillion dollars in USDC transactions volume.?
For perspective, that’s about 50% of the total payment volume for PayPal.
What’s a stablecoin?
USDC, in this case, is designed to maintain price equivalence to the U.S. dollar.
USDC is fully-backed by cash and short-dated U.S. treasuries, and these reserves are held in the custody of leading financial institutions.
How are stablecoins used?
Let’s say you want to wire some money from your bank to another. You’ll pay about $50, and if the wire is international, you’ll wait several days for the payment to settle.
USDC, like other cryptocurrencies, are geographically agnostic and permissionless.
This means you can send the equivalent of U.S. dollars to anyone in the world at any time, without asking anyone else to approve the transaction.
Why will this lead to higher adoption of cryptocurrency?
There’s an oft-repeated phrase in crypto and blockchain (the technology upon which crypto is built): “This is a solution looking for a problem.”
Money transfers between individuals or companies currently use an antiquated, expensive technology, and that’s a problem. USDC, and other cryptocurrencies, solve this problem by allowing anyone with an internet connection to send money cheaply and instantly to others.
Unlike other cryptos, though, which may vary wildly in price, $1 of USDC is the equivalent of $1 U.S. dollar.?
This feature of USDC mitigates/eliminates currency risk in either holding the asset or using it for foreign transactions.
What does this mean to you and your clients?
If you or someone you know has bought cryptocurrency, it’s probably Bitcoin, Ethereum or another investment that fluctuates in price.
Experience with these investments can be positive (if the number goes up) or negative (if the number goes down).
USDC and other stablecoins are a great entry point for crypto because it takes the price fluctuation risk off the table.
Instead of a feeling equivalent to gambling, causing a love/hate relationship with crypto, stablecoins allow its users to build a positive association with this new internet of money.
What’s the future for stablecoins?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the market caps of USDC and other stablecoins eventually are the largest in the entire crypto markets. The use cases abound, and based on the astronomical growth over the past few years, I expect more & more money to flow into stablecoins.
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Thanks for reading! - Spence - spencerXsmith.eth
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1 年Your conclusion makes incredible sense and hard to dispute, Spencer. This is a helpful post.