On Faster Horses: Separating the Outcome Sought from Imagined Solution
Authentic product innovation flows from a deep comprehension of the market's innermost desires, not from a surface-level solicitation of their overt demands.
Key Takeaway:
Henry Ford's quote about "faster horses" illuminates the importance of understanding market desires beyond explicit requests. Sure, our markets problem is that they want "Faster", but we must not discard the markets sentiments on what the solution might look like - mighty insights and learning to be had here as well.
Ford and his horses
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
In the annals of innovation, Henry Ford's renowned proclamation, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." continues to reverberate and be cited among some product professionals, self-assured they are a market savant, declaring they know the market's problems and needs better than the market does. This quote is often followed by "Steve Jobs never asked the market what they wanted" … my standard retort is "Are you Steve Jobs?".?
I don’t think Ford was saying we should ignore the market at all. Rather he would probably say that we should not only latch onto the market's desire for “Faster”, as a proxy for a market problem, but, instead of discarding the market's perceived solution of “Horses”, there are learnings and value here as well. From the vantage point of product management and marketing, we stand to glean profound revelations not only from the desire for "Faster" but also from the sentiment embodied in "Horses."
Learning from the Heart of Desires
As stewards of our product's progress and creativity, we, as product professionals, bear a responsibility to unearth the unspoken longings within our markets, after all - that is the key responsibility of product management - to be the ambassador of the market. Scrutinizing the market's pain points and aspirations enables us to distill the quintessential issues they seek to address. Instead of merely taking their requests at face value, we can unearth the essence of their yearnings and fashion solutions that authentically meet their needs and therein create products that hold sufficient familiarity to ease the transition from the old to the new.?
Ford's wisdom also imparts the imperative of recognizing the essence of the customer's perceived solution, irrespective of its antiquity or limitations. In Ford's era, horses epitomized transportation, rendering any notion beyond their realm an audacious feat.
Ford's wisdom also imparts the imperative of recognizing the essence of the customer's perceived solution, irrespective of its antiquity or limitations.
Yet, by delving into the roots of why the market clung to the concept of faster horses, Ford unlocked precious insights into their desires and expectations. He discerned their quest for swifter mobility, unwavering reliability, and unparalleled convenience – attributes that could be ingeniously addressed through a revolutionary innovation – the automobile. By comprehending their perception of a solution, Ford crafted an epoch-making product that not only fulfilled their needs, and exceeded their wildest imaginings but also had enough familiarity that oiled the market's gears of acceptance and adoption.
Crafting Solutions for Market Affinity
Innovation ought not to be an act of dismissal toward customers' notions or the imposition of radical novelties upon them. Quite the contrary, it necessitates translating the aspirations and preferences of our audience into tangible, user-friendly offerings that they willingly embrace. When introducing groundbreaking solutions, we must artfully communicate their merits in terms that resonate with the market's sensibilities and align with their established mental paradigms.
Ford's triumph rested not solely in conceiving the automobile but in portraying it as a resounding remedy that addressed the market's desires. He deftly showcased how the automobile could satiate their hunger for speed, trustworthiness, and convenience, thereby supplanting the limitations of horses with the marvels of modernity.
When introducing groundbreaking solutions, we must artfully communicate their merits in terms that resonate with the market's sensibilities and align with their established mental paradigms.
The Path to Market Acceptance and Adoption
To truly unveil the automobile's potential, each of the above attributes had to be artfully woven into its design and articulated in the marketing campaign. By orchestrating a symphony of relevance, Ford succeeded in resonating with the deepest aspirations of the market.
In our contemporary milieu, the same principles apply. By delving into the core of our target audience's desires and empathizing with their perspectives, we attain the key to unlocking the language, features, and design elements that render our innovations irresistible.
On a steel horse I ride …
The automotive industry has ingeniously woven a tapestry of linguistic connections that transport us to the realm of horses as a means of transportation. With linguistic finesse, they deftly summon the splendor of horsepower, the allure of the powerful stallion, and the timeless elegance of equestrian design. In this intricate web of associations, we rediscover the captivating art of "taming raw power," while embracing the thrill of adventurous "horse-riding metaphors." As we "take the reins" and experience cars that "handle like a dream," we are invited to "ride with confidence" into a world where horse and car, once disparate modes of movement, merge in a poetic and enchanting embrace.
Henry Ford's immortal words echo through the corridors of time, instilling in us a profound truth: authentic innovation flows from a deep comprehension of the market's innermost desires
Henry Ford's immortal words echo through the corridors of time, instilling in us a profound truth: authentic innovation flows from a deep comprehension of the market's innermost desires, not from a surface-level solicitation of their overt demands. As architects of progress, we must strive to unearth the intangible yearnings of our clientele, harnessing their wisdom to forge products that resoundingly meet their needs and exceed their grandest visions.
Amidst the dance of innovation and imagination, let us embrace the past as our guide and the future as our canvas. By cherishing the wisdom of "Horses," we forge the path to shape remarkable products that shall herald the unfolding wonders of tomorrow.
Principal Program Manager at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1 年Faster beyond the horse ??