Faster Development at a Lower Cost. Migration to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
IceRock Development
??IOS&Android Mobile Application Development ??Kotlin Multiplatform technology experts
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
When should you integrate KMM?
You can migrate to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile both at the start of your development and at the implementation or launch stage. In order for the migration to make sense, one or more of the following conditions should apply:
60% of developers use or have tried Kotlin Multiplatform in production according to this recently published survey by JetBrains.
What are the benefits of KMM integration?
It can potentially save you up to a third of your budget. This is mainly because you develop a common code base
You can speed up your development by 25% and implement new features on both platforms faster and easier in the future.
The projects will behave identically on these platforms without any discrepancies in minute details or complex cases.
iOS and Android developers will share the context, which will allow them to understand each other’s code in any part of the business logic and to promptly improve and fix it.
These might be the reasons why over 75% of those who have played around with Kotlin Multiplatform are considering to use it for their production projects.
How does KMM migration occur?
The process of migrating to KMM depends on your current situation with the project. There are three basic scenarios. Let’s use our case studies as examples.
Scenario 1. You have an app on both platforms and you need expert advice on developing common business logic .
This is the type of migration we did for Profi.
Profi is an app for searching for tradespeople and professionals in different fields. The app runs on iOS and Android. The customer asked us to help with migrating its business logic from the Android app to multiplatform.
The process we went through:
How long it took and how much it cost. In general, an integration using this scenario can take anywhere from two weeks to half a year depending on the project, and the cost starts at ~$6600. But in this case the customer did most of the work himself, and we only helped them plan their migration. Our part took us just a few days: in this time we analyzed what the customer had already done to create common code and prepared the plan for business logic migration.
The plan for this project included the following steps:
Afterwards the Profi team was able to use our review in their work.
Scenario 2. Your team has had some success in trying KMM, and you only need expert advice.
This was how we worked with Footballco, an international service for watching football, which also runs on both iOS and Android.
We joined the project at the launch stage. The customer’s team first created common business logic on their own and plugged it into their Android and iOS apps, and afterwards they reached out to us for advice.
The process we went through:
How long it took and how much it cost. Analyzing and planning usually takes two to five days, and the cost starts at $1300. The audit for this project took us three days and came out at exactly $1300.
Here are some of our recommendations for this project:
Scenario 3. You have to urgently release an iOS version for the existing Android app without interrupting the development to merge business logic of both apps afterwards.
This is what we did for GetMega, an app for multiplayer online gaming and chatting. We based the common code on the Android version, which was already written in Kotlin, and designed it for iOS integration. This allowed the customer to get two apps with common logic without interrupting their work on the features of the Android app.
The process we went through:
How long it took and how much it cost. This is the most expensive and complex service, the cost can start at ~$13000. Analyzing and planning usually takes two to five days. Developing an app with a common code can take one to six months, and the integration with the original platform might require anywhere from two weeks to several months. For this project the analysis took us three days and the development was finished in three months. And the customer stayed within the budget of ~$40000.
Which parts do developers move into the common code according to statistics? Between the platforms, 76% of developers share data models, 66% share networking, and 65% share data serialization.
We’d be happy to consult teams and businesses on mobile app development with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile or help with development. You can contact us here.
And here’s a final piece of statistics for you: 45% of developers have participated in more than one Kotlin Multiplatform project. Tell us in the comment section whether you are one of them ;)