Faster is better than good
Romano Studer
Graphic Designer / WordPress / GoHighLevel / InDesign+Illustrator Scripts / GREP Styles / Finished Art / Prepress / Director at ZITRONE
My generation values quality. Did anyway. OK generalisation here. I did a 4 year apprenticeship to become a Typesetter and then a Typographer. Quality meant you did a job until it was right. Not a masterpiece – just right. No bad line breaks. Correct hyphenation. No scratches.
This takes time.
Gary Vaynerchuk (Garyvee) does not just talk and write about social media. He lives it. YouTube, facebook, TikTok, the man is everywhere.
Gary is very clear about one thing: You must publish. More is better. Because the algorithms on all our platforms are geared towards one thing: To keep you and me on that platform. Quality is nice but volume wins every time. Ergo: You must publish.
Because time is attention, and attention nobody has, or only very little. So quality does not get notices as much as the fact that you published in the first place. Have you published yet?
The images here are by the British artist Andy Goldsworthy. This is not photoshopped. This art is made in nature, using nature as a media.
This art shows time, as this art can only exist for a short time. Then nature takes the very elements back. Washed away, melted, burned by the sun they vanish.
It takes time to create such art. It takes time to watch it disappear. Andy Goldsworthy however creates quality in his work. You can see it. You can see it if you take time and pay attention.