Fast tracking Solar through Digital Applications.
According to the IEA, renewable solar is geared to dominate the electricity market by 2050, surpassing our conventional grid system. While the momentum for Renewable Energy had already clearly started, there is today even more urgency into the situation with the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the desire from Europe to break away from their reliance on Russian Gas.
·????????IEA 10-point plan to help Europe
In the 10-point plan that the IEA published last month to provide solutions on how Europe could reduce?her dependency, the 4 recommendation clearly calls for an accelerate the deployment of new wind and solar projects.
We could specifically read the below:
“In 2022, record additions of solar PV and wind power capacity and a return to average weather conditions are already expected to increase the EU’s output from these renewable sources by over 100 terawatt-hours (TWh), a rise of more than 15% compared with 2021.
A concerted policy effort to fast-track further renewable capacity additions could deliver another 20 TWh over the next year. Most of this would be utility-scale wind and solar PV projects…”
To achieve such an aggressive and ambitious objective, digitalizing applications would certainly be necessary to FastTrack progress.
The idea of rapid solar expansion brings up a dire need for systems and tools that can help support the rapid deployment of new solar assets for both policymakers and investors.
One software that could help moving in this direction is PVDATA.
????Software Design Help
The platform ticked all the necessary boxes for solar developers, asset owners, installers and investors. PVDATA is a newly designed tool that measures the financial bankability and sustainability of solar energy projects anywhere in the world. This tool delivers the technical, financial, and environmental risk analysis of your grid connected solar energy in a matter of seconds (not months).
The aim is to ensure that more energy is generated by solar than any other energy source by 2050 and to take the lead by providing bespoke tools and feature to enable decision maker access needed data relative to their solar energy asset.
PVDATA are a trusted energy provider built a doctorate researcher from Imperial College London. This tool contains data for more than 12,000 cities and towns, covers more than 50 global currencies and constantly updates its data to ensure outputs are in line with real world estimates.
In this week Wednesday’s Live, while discussing the cornelian choice between dirtier coal and costly gas, Tony and Kofi Mbuk looked at one particular, the report which could significantly help investors in the assessment. We invite you to watch the recording HERE.