Fast Tracking Development of India

India is having talent but that is not being utilized optimally and not being placed properly so as to give the most to the nation.India is a democratic country and to protect the democracy and its health there are four pillars to protect it. There is Government , Executives, judiciary and that the press.These pillars need to have new dimensions with single mandate to fast track development of India so as to give the benefit of prosperity and development to every one without discrimination.

Look at our working:-We as a government are unable to prevent corruption rather many a times we are part of it, we are not accountable and have been provided immunity though we as a government have vast authorities and have all the resources at our disposal. More authority should bestow more responsibility and more accountability and effectiveness and efficiency is one attribute which can testify it. No one is there to check our efficiency. Same is with the executive. They have all the authorities but law protects them with many immunities. They are only accountable to government. look at the Judiciary and many quasi judicial bodies working in our countries.All are supposed to work with efficiency to resolve all the grievances,problems,petitions of the citizens but they too have been provided many immunities under law and most of the time they do not perform for they are not accountable and responsible for any deficiency.

The protection in the form of immunities is most of the time not giving them freedom and autonomy and power to work fearlessly but it is making them lazy and lethargic and making them less efficient as they are not answerable and accountable for any lapses or delays while disposing of the matter under jurisdiction. This all is making the matter worse and people losing confidence in every organ of the system and the unscrupulous taking full advantage of this loop hole.

Government, executives,judiciary are guaranteed promotions, perks,benefits irrespective of their efficiency and performance. The final evaluation is based on the nepotism, favoritism, yes man ship to those who control irrespective of the performance of their duties towards their citizens. If the controlling authority is corrupt than it is the indulgence in more and more corruption which will measure the performance and efficiency for next promotion as nepotism and favoritism of the controlling will guarantee more authority of higher order.

In our country it is judiciary which is still most trusted by people of India. It can and should begin with fast tracking on scale of efficiency with certainty and clear in terms of quality and quantity so that it can become a guide to whole nation and to every organ of the country. Let every one know that if authority and immunity is provided it requires honesty,ethics,sincerity, dedication, commitment and nationalism to work whole heartedly without any fear and only for clearing their tasks and discharging duties effectively and most efficiently without indulging in corruption.

Let it set a new example for other organs of the government and let there be scientific scale of quality and quantity with clear unambiguous benchmarks, depicting their performance and services towards the citizens of the India providing all checks and limitations to every adverse trait coming into the path of fast tracking development of India with utmost transparency and efficiency.


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