Fast Track Your Leadership

Fast Track Your Leadership

I remember when I was little driving from Brisbane to Cairns with my family. I was sitting in the back being my inpatient self (this hasn’t changed) and saying to my parents literally every 5 minutes – “Are we there yet?”

This is an interesting memory for me when I started my career as I literally was saying in my head the same thing – “Am I a Leader yet?” Meaning I wanted to climb the ladder to get the title without appreciating the journey. I wanted to fast track my leadership and development thinking it would be the key to my success as a leader.

Little did I know Leadership is a journey? I know live and breath this space and I am still not there yet. Nor do I want to be. So I picked up some books, read some articles, watched some videos, spoke with mentors and started the journey. Thing is, I started and I knew I wanted so much more. I wanted to learn more about Leadership, who I am as a leader and my abilities, strengths and talents as a Leader. Today it is the choices I have made as a leader that are the keys.

Let me ask you this do you think we are overloaded with Great Leadership? I think not. We need more leaders. Leadership isn’t about Role or Title. It’s an Attitude, Behaviour and Mindset. Even if you have a leadership position doesn’t mean you are a leader? We want to come to work everyday and work with Great Leaders? Don’t we?

Therefore we do we start. It starts with you. It starts with you making an intentional choice today to learn leadership and take charge of your growth and awareness. Yes leadership is a journey.

However, I want to show you how you can start the journey with our Free Fast Track Webinars and Fast Track One Day Workshops in May and June to get you started. Leadership is about Momentum. By joining these events and webinars, you will be track to greatness as a leader.

I will be sharing my Top 7 Techniques to Leadership Success which all you need is 7 Minutes each day to practice and put into action to fast track your leadership journey. It starts here and now. This will make a difference to your career, business and leadership.

Join us today and you will be more confident, skilled and driven to be that Great Leader. It is within YOU.

Are you there yet?

Sonia McDonald is the Founder of LeadershipHQ. is the Author of Leadership Attitude and Just Rock It! She is a Leadership Expert, Leadership Coach, Global Keynote Speaker and Facilitator in the field of leadership development and neuroscience; she is passionate about empowering and building future leaders.

Her company LeadershipHQ’s vision is to build a world of Great Leaders and Great Leadership. They currently partner with companies and leaders across Australia in delivering high impact leadership and cultural programs, strategies, coaching and diagnostics. They recently launched their cutting edge Online Leadership Academy Program, Toolkit and Resource Centre for all Leaders.


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