Your Excellency Mr. Joe Biden – President of the United State of America


We understand your excellency and the White House Administrations staff were busy. This could be why we have not received any reply to our three previous submissions on the matter related to the fast-track sustainable development of the United States.


We requested you for appointing a focal person who can discuss the concept and follow up with multi agencies' mandate for U.S. economic development and export promotion. But unfortunately, no communication from any quarter of U.S. administration/authorities/agencies since March 2021.


The Afghan war is one of the core reasons for our economic ailment, we are sure that now Afghan war issues are almost settled, therefore we once again solicit to focus on the welfare and growth-oriented initiatives for Americans and America. Does it matter who said, “America First” or “Buy American” but as Americans, this should be the common voice of Americans..

We U.S. Minority Business Enterprise owners living across the United States of America and Pakistan welcome your statement. “American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war of others, American government spent over a trillion dollars. America will not repeat the mistakes we’ve made in the past - war in a foreign country”

600,000 Pakistani Americans are living in the United States, with a current household income of $78,000 compared to the U.S. average of $68,700. An estimated 60,000 American passports and green card holders living in Pakistan. These Pakistani Americans have made many contributions to the United States in many fields, such as medical science, healthcare, military, sports, philanthropy, business, information technology, fintech, and economy. The Pakistani American community is philanthropic; as research shows that in the year 2002 the community gave close to US$1 Billion in philanthropic activities (including the value of volunteered time), one-billion-dollar philanthropy of 2002, positively double or more by the year 2020.

America’s economic injury is painful to the all-common Americans, and particularly to those economic development practitioners like the undersigned who learn most from Americans during the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009 (also known as the Kerry-Lugar-Berman Act) Congress approved the law on October 15, 2009. The outcome is almost the same as we see in Afghanistan, few selected private civil contractors made fortune out of a $10 billion handout, a donation from the people of America.

While we Americans were at war in Afghanistan and draining $110 billion per year of U.S. taxpayers’ hard-earned money, and during the same period China was building its economy, China’s year 2000 GDP was only $1.21 trillion whereas China’s year 2021 GDP crossed $16.64 trillion, this is with an average annual increase of 12.7%. The U.S. GDP of the year 2000 was ten times larger than China's, as the US actual GDP of 2000 was $10.25 trillion, whereas now our year 2021 GDP is estimated at $21.5 trillion, an average annual increase of 3.4%.

We must learn from China, if we were not entered into a war for others, we could save $2.2 trillion, 7.3% of our current federal debts, the federal debts impairing the nation's future competitiveness, as undersigned up till 2014 was in a developing country (Pakistan) and directly involved in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so fully understand the disaster of government debts to SDGs. U.S. Government wise decision not to report about our SDGs to the United Nation.

For decades, America has been known as the most competitive economy in the world, a land of opportunity, and immigrants like the undersigned relocated the business to America – a knowledge society with the American Dream. U.S. debts of the year 2000 were only $5.7 trillion or 55% of GDP, now government debt will cross 115% ($30 trillion) to our GDP.

We fear if no focused remedial strategies are adopted now, and if the current trend continues, by the end of the year 2030, US GDP will be $25 trillion with an annual growth of 2.2% (trend). China’s GDP of the year 2030 will be $ 29 trillion with annual growth of 6.6%. By the year 2050, China's GDP will be $58.5 trillion for the year 2050, US GDP will be only $34.1 trillion.

Sir! Your idea Build Back Better America is extremely important and timely, thank you for unveiling the Build Back Better Agenda. The ambitious agenda will re-position America, this will not just to return to where we were, but to Build Back Better America towards a more sustainable, resilient, equitable, and prosperous future for America and the people of America.

We Minority Fund of the Funds, genuinely wanted to help to grow the US economy like Uber, if they support the U.S. GDP by $17 billion yearly. If encouragement from the administration and authorities, through our operation the impact to US GDP by $10.0 billion or more annually.

There are over 5000 business entities owned and operated by U.S. Citizens in China, we foresee only 500 manufacturing come to Pakistan at PACIFIC Special Economic Zone and start manufacturing of semi-finished products and value addition through manufacturing in the USA.

Undersigned family is in manufacturing since 1948 in Pakistan, fully understand the importance of manufacturing for economic revival. Manufacturing in the United States contributes 11.4% economy. With the government's help, domestic manufacturers in a short time increase the volume of American-made goods for the US marketplace and government supplies.

Build Back Better America not only required huge material resources but also a good brainstorm action plan, implementation framework, and roadmap. Undersigned identified a few fast-track revival strategies for the US economy, employing all available recourses including minority (immigrant) business expertise, their knowledge of root country. This will bring a positive impact to the U.S. small business, by changing the current import trend.

This is true that we siphoned around $2.5 billion daily into two countries and building their GDP every day by $500 million. Let start importing semi-finished products and finish them in the United States and will impact US GDP, similarly, export US agriculture products to Pakistan for value addition at US Citizen's own facilities for re-export to China and region. If we don’t act now, the US economy will be further distressed as well as our competitiveness.

Over the last two decades, the United States has consistently been one of the top five sources of FDI in Pakistan, but now the ongoing transition in the global power structure and emergence of multiple regional centers influence. This is leading to an alarmingly high level of politicization of global financial centers. America must plan for U.S. Small, and Minority-owned Businesses, to benefit them from Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI) as Pakistan is a gateway to China, and regional countries and American exporters can highly gain from proposed initiatives for achieving common goals.

U.S. Minority (Pakistani Americans) business has a fear of inconsistent government policies as regards Pakistan. Therefore, undersigned as President of Federation of Impact Investment & Responsible Merchants – an affiliate member of U.S. Chamber of Commerce solicits an Executive Order from the White House administration like Presidential Executive Order # 13922 of May 14, 2020, for the execution of Build Back Better America's ambitious plan, predominantly involving U.S. Minority Fund of Funds founded by Pakistani American with strong footprints in Pakistan with strong linkage with Pakistan’s government functionaries.

U.S. Small businesses including U.S. Minority-owned businesses are the growth engine and lifeblood of the U.S. economy, as small businesses create two-thirds of net new jobs and drivers of innovation and competitiveness. 10x effect is only possible with the involvement of the private sector entrepreneurs, unlike third party civil contractors, entrepreneurs are investors, operators and ultimately accountable for the results both volume and profits. The initiatives will facilitate US small businesses globally.

The proposed solicited executive order through U.S. International Development Finance Corporation as a mandate to finance international development. American companies ready to operate in Pakistan, and jointly fund the profitable investments across a range of sectors, notably, but not limited to, fast-moving consumer goods and particularly facilities designed for increasing U.S. exports and re-exports, semi-finished goods which are import for finial finishing in the United States. Other sectors attracting U.S. economy include need for qualified and trained nurses and healthcare professionals, besides strengthening the supply chain.

The United States and Pakistan governments already signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to serve as a key forum for bilateral trade and investment discussions. The TIFA seeks to address impediments to greater bilateral trade and investment flows and increase economic linkages between our respective business interests and sustainable growth.

This is the right time for U.S. small businesses through DFC enter in Pakistan as a focus plan, facilitation for the establishment of Special Economic Zone (FTZ) for American businesses, as China is now leading Asia economies, timely intervention not only display US small business presence, but DFC can also influence as a financing tool to increase the leverage of the United States as powerful shareholder despite faction of investment compare with China in Pakistan.

Federation of Impact Investing – an affiliate member of U.S Chamber of Commerce, proposed PACIFIC (Pak American Corporate Investment for Farming, Industrial & Commercial) Enabling Partnership – a public-private partnership incorporated by the Secretary of State and operate as a licensed Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) and taxed as Regulated Investment Company (RIC) for sustainable growth of Pakistan and the United States.

A public-private partnership for fast-track growth of U.S. small and minority-owned businesses, the expansion for sustainable growth, and be competitive in commercial operations. All investment (equity) of proposed PPP will be deployed in industrial, commercial, climate change, and agri-based development undertakings with value addition and export potential. Maximum utilization of available resources of Pakistan and the United States of America, to operate, build and manage a diversified investment for optimum return, mobilize funds as faith-based impact investing in a cost-effective manner to meet capitalization needs.

The proposed Public-Private Partnership is vital to the President Biden Administration’s efforts because protecting our Nation’s critical infrastructure is a shared responsibility of the government and the owners and operators of that infrastructure (qualified opportunity zone manufacturing and energy). PACIFIC Enabling Partnership will be financially structured as Sponsors Equity $90 million, Minority individuals (Pakistani Diaspora from West) Equity: $90 million (as faith-based impact investing), U.S. government administration or authorities (USTDA or SBA or DFC): $20 million immediate release as grant or bridge finance for the development of pre-feasibility and business plan and documentation.

PACIFIC Enabling Partnership total equity investment will be raised to $200 million, and the $200 million equity of Public-Private Partnership enable the proposed fund of the funds to file an application to DFC, SBA and US EXIM Bank to jointly appropriate $800 million as structure and guarantee finance. The first phase funding for seven years terms. Over 500 U.S. small businesses matchmaking with Pakistan’s business with the deployment of over $1,000 million investment in manufacturing and energy through other resources in addition of above, first phase funding will be for infrastructure (special economic zone (SEZs), silos, solar energy).

All business entities will be autonomous and professionally managed, the entities will be subsidiaries of PACIFIC Enabling Partnership, originators as well as financing agencies will have options of exit through the publicly-traded listed corporation of Pakistan Stock Exchange and Wallstreet – New York (USA). The PPP operation will automatically dissolve by 2030 or as decided by the board of directors of PACIFIC Enabling Partnership through private bidding with the first right of refusal with originators will ultimately transfer the ownerships.

PACIFIC Enabling Partnership $1 billion assets under management (AUM) and ultimately 50% equivalent $500 million will be investing in the United States at IRS designated qualified opportunity zone (QOZ) industrial undertakings, community housing, Institute of Nursing and Healthcare Professions (multi-campus), and U.S. Agriculture Product export promotion (Wheat, Soybean, cotton Dairy, Maize, Almond, and dates).

PACIFIC Enabling Partnership $1 billion AUM will impact U.S. Agri-products export increase by $5 billion per annum. Currently, 80% of prescription and over-the-counter medicines are imported into the USA mainly from two countries. The proposed investment in the next three years will replace around 60% imports of prescription and over-the-counter medicine as indigenous manufacturing with the US business owned Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) manufacturing at PACIFIC International Industrial Park – set-up at Special Economic Zone (SEZs) of Punjab and Sindh Pakistan.

U.S. raw cotton bales are barter for importing semi-finish clothes, apparel, home, hotel & hospital textiles, fabrics, the proposed initiative will generate hundreds of thousands of jobs in this sector, resulting in 100% indigenous of home, hotel, and hospital textile. Pakistan has 13 million cotton bales conversion facilities mainly weaving, knitting, stitching, and unfortunately Pakistan producing only 7 million bales. This is a good opportunity for U.S. small businesses involve in vending and merchandising cotton and manmade blended textile products for hospitals, hotels, and brands to join hands and benefit from available resources US raw cotton and Pakistan’s cotton textile infrastructure.

Moreover 100% of indigenous production of certain personal protection equipment (PPE), the proposed initiatives will enable U.S. dairy export to China to increase by 6 times by setting up re-constitute dairy units at SEZs in Pakistan. At present U.S. dairy market of China is only 2.5% or $300 million out of $12 billion and the new set-up will increase the market by 15% or to $2 billion in the next three years. Millions of tons of additional export of wheat, maize, soybean into Pakistan for value-addition and re-export in the region, for example in the year 2020 Bangladesh had import 6.5 million tons of wheat but only 200,000 tons of U.S. wheat was exported as reported by USTR.

PACIFIC Enabling Partnership $1 billion AUM enable US GDP increase by $10 billion per year from the fourth year, and hundreds of new business activities and thousands of new jobs with the strong supply chain of the number of hospital products. 200% to 1000% reduction of prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

A long-awaited U.S. government policy to create new jobs by strengthening small businesses and investing in the jobs of the future. Build Back Better America is the common vision of all Americans, both mainstream and minority businesses. For the execution vision statement “To create the strongest, most resilient, innovative economy in the world, and thousands of good-paying jobs for women in the Textile sector.

We copied this submission to?Excellency Vice President - Kamala Harris,?Senator Benjamin Cardin -?Chair of the Senate Small Business Committee and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez - Chairwoman?of the?House Small Business Committee?for appropriate action for fast-track growth and the prosperity of America and Americans.

Thank you in advance – looking forward to working for the economic well-being of fellow Americans. If the White House administration is unable to execute the above submission resulting in a public-private partnership, even one line email would be enough for time being.??

Warm Regards

Mehboob Aly Manji

Mehboob Manji

AMBUL Islamic Fund for Economic Development (AMIFED): US Multinational Financial Institution registered (FATCA & MSB) under the Bank Secrecy Act of US Department of Treasury | AMBUL IBANK Corporation - Puerto Rico (USA)

3 年

Inconsistent government policies is core reason for asking for Executive Order


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