Fast To Market Design
Many leading food manufacturers have discovered the advantages of using a small, specialized process design firm for their retrofit projects. Fast and efficient design processes allow product innovations such as organic or clean label to get to the retail shelf much faster. We have been serving top 100 food companies for over 10 years in this capacity.
A complete understanding of the goals of the projects is the first step. Then we move quickly into P&IDs and process engineering. As soon as key equipment is selected, 3D layout planning begins. With the ease of web meetings, deliverables are reviewed by all stake holders and edited quickly as we move toward completion. Clear and concise communication is critical to our design process.
If you have a larger project, these efficient design principles are applied, and people are often surprised at how much we can design in a short period of time. Collaboration with the owner's other resources is common while keeping our focus on food process and CIP design.
Contact me to discuss your upcoming small or large projects.
Steve Cook 417-860-7581 [email protected]