Fast Growth Solutions:RENOVATIO.

Fast Growth Solutions:RENOVATIO.

How could something you always dreamed about, and prayed for be so frustrating: Fast Growth! In other words: “Careful what you wish for”. FAST GROWTH SOLUTIONS: Renovatio.

Growth does not have to be scary, or an area that is typically not planned for correctly. Does this sound familiar….. “We will just work harder” or “Better to have backorders, than no orders”, or my favorite “We do not need a growth plan we know our business better than anybody”. Growing is a very challenging time for some, and most do it incorrectly and do not realize it until “it” knocks at the door:

  • Negative Cashflow;
  • Backorders;
  • Poor Customer Satisfaction;
  • Dropping Quality;
  • Supply Chain Delays;
  • Hiring Difficulties;
  • Lack of Process(s)
  • Inability to Forecast.

Renovatio can bring knowledge base into your company by integrating tools to better plan, measure, and control your Growth. What better time to take the bull by the horns than the beginning of a New Year! Let’s drill down a bit -- Your multi-year strategic plan, and budget should be in the final stages for this year and ready to execute (right?). Prior to your execution, take a look at your main business process(s) and ensure they are geared for your future growth and you are able to measure their success. Typically your process(s) reach entitlement every 12 to 18 months. What was that? You’re shaking your head. Oh yes, let me guess what you’re thinking: We don’t need to document our process(s) everybody understands what they need to do - we just need to duplicate resources and Grow…. WRONG! Renovatio believes that all key business process(s) should be flowcharted and communicated to the appropriate parties -- This can be done seamlessly and completed in parallel with the business running at its current pace. This enables the Company to:

  • Outline a true Dashboard of the business;
  • Create and Monitor Lean process(s);
  • Reduces Overhead;
  • Increases Quality;
  • Optimizes Supply Chain;
  • Increase Net Profits.

Renovatio can execute several tools like this in your organization quickly and economically as our fee is always performance based. You have no excuse not to call Renovatio to assist in your GROWTH…. Contact us today: [email protected], or 503-720-3577.


