Fast, Fun, Easy, and Effective Way to Engage Every Audience!
All I do is pass out 8×5 in. index cards (or have them already on the desks or chairs) and get everyone to answer a question or write down an opinion about a topic I announce. They don’t have to include their name or company on the card. Then, I collect the cards, and rather than begging for a question or comment, I use the cards.
That’s it–it works every time.
During “Spice It Up!” I’ll ask my audience to pretend I’m a leprechaun who can grant them one “safety meeting/presentation” wish. Then, I ask them to write down that wish on their index card. Not surprisingly, one of the most common wishes I get is “to learn how to get employees more involved in our safety meetings.” Right from the get-go, I start to grant that wish by demonstrating using index cards!
Here are a few tips:
Why index cards and not a sheet of paper with a question printed on it? It seems more informal, and this, in my experience, has stimulated employees to open up more. Plus, they are easy to handle. (I dramatically shuffle the cards before reading them out loud—that’s fun.)
Give it a try, and let me know how it worked out.
‘till next time.
Funbird Hawk