Fast Friday (Stop Shouding on Yourself, How to Stop Being Triggered by the Scale)

Fast Friday (Stop Shouding on Yourself, How to Stop Being Triggered by the Scale)

Happy Friday!


Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your mindset this week.


2 Fitness Tools

1. Why You Need to Stop Shoulding on Yourself?

Stop "shoulding" on yourself.


"I SHOULD lose weight."


"I "SHOULD" workout more."


"I SHOULD _______ "


Nobody should be doing anything.


Your life, your choices, it's up to you.


Build your lifestyle around what you value, and prioritize that.?


Eliminate the guilt and instead take self-empowering action.


What you say outloud and to yourself matters.


"I am getting healthier every day."


"I get to workout and take care of myself."


"I get to cook myself a nice meal to fuel my body."


It may sound a little woo woo...


But if you don't do all these things on autopilot..


It's because your negative self talk certainly isn't helping. ? 2. 50% of the Time I Don't Feel Like Working Out

50% of the time I don't even want to workout.


Meaning I'm not excited about it, would rather not have to drive, and just stay home...


But I do it anyway.




I decided a long time ago that I wanted to be fit, look good, and be healthy.


That means showing up even when I don't want to.


If there was a pill to take that meant I could eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce of body fat and be healthy I WOULD TAKE IT!


But guess what that pill doesn't exist.


TV commercials and the shit wheel of the social media fitness world might try to tell you otherwise...


But that's because they stand to financially gain from you believing it.


Spending money on supplements, drugs, and programs that don't work...


Gaining and losing the same 30lbs...


Being a repeat customer.


Instead when you show up to workout consistently week in and week out even when you don't feel like it...


Portion control your food without eliminating or calling food "good" or "bad"...


Instead just living a balanced lifestyle...


Then you can lose the weight and keep it off for good.


2 Dieting Tips ?

1. If You're Triggered By the Scale... Read This

I know that the scale can be triggering, but it definitely can be a compass point of asking yourself...


"Why is this so triggering for me?"


"What in my past is causing me to feel this way in the present?"


Maybe it's because people have called you fat or shamed you for your size...


Maybe it's because an ex was abusive and made you feel terrible about your weight...


The thing is with all that though...


It was all their voices saying that.


Not your own.


You know what they said and did was wrong and wasn't fair.


You didn't deserve that.


You know who YOU are now.


Those voices from the past, events in the past, you KNOW they were wrong.


Now it's a choice if you choose to let those voices affect you.


I know that is easier said than done.


But remind yourself when you feel triggered and want to go to that negative and dark place...


They don't have power over you.


That feeling you get is from your past self who was hurt and went through a lot.


You can sit with that pain and acknowledge it, and cry and tell your past self you are there for them and you love them and they didn't deserve what was said and happened to them.


Do that every time you get triggered and those feelings come up.


Sit down and journal it out until you can't write.


Do everything you can to flush out those feelings and emotions when it happens.


And over time, you'll get triggered less often.


Or don't.?


Avoid the scale...


But then you agree to carry that pain from the past with you.


I would much rather work past it until my past has no power over me anymore.


"I am enough."


"The scale is just a number I use for data, it does not determine my self-worth."


"I'm getting a little bit better and healthier every day regardless of what the scale does."


I know this isn't easy, but I hope it helps you if you needed to hear it.? ?

2. If You Didn't Gain All the Weight in 12 Weeks You Can't Expect to Lose in 12 Either

The sooner you stop looking for shortcuts to your goals the sooner you begin taking the steps to achieve them. ?

Let's be real.

If losing weight and getting in shape was easy...

Everyone would look great and be healthy.

But that's not the case.

How many people do you know that exercise consistently, eat well, portion control, and get a good night's sleep?

Hopefully many, but the data shows us that is the minority.

What you choose to pay attention to and to prioritize is what you're going to improve.

Even if it goes shitty at first, you will learn through that process of what you need to change and what to double down on.

There is no special pill, exercise, or diet that you need to do to get in shape.

The answer is whether you're truly devoted to the goal you have.

"Maybe I'll try keto..."

"I've been cutting out bread and pasta..."

"I'm going to do that 7-day cleanse..."

These are all approaches that have the promises of...

"Burning fat!"

"Clearing your toxins!"

"Boosting your metabolism!"

"You'll have more energy!"

You notice all those things are rather ambiguous and you're not really going to be able to measure on your own?

How many toxins did you get rid of?

How many more calories a day are you burning?

Now that you're in ketosis you can eat as many sticks of butter as you want and still drop body fat.

Of course not.

Any fat loss supplement you take will also have on the label, "Results see when taken along with healthy diet and exercise"

Why do they say that?


It's the only thing they can put on the bottle that is real.

You drop body fat by = being in a calorie deficit

You boost your metabolism by = having more muscle mass

You detoxify your body by = having a functioning liver and kidneys

You have more energy by = exercising more and getting enough sleep!

How you look and feel is going to be based on what/how much you eat and move.

Read that again.

How you look and feel is going to be based on what/how much you eat and move.

There are no shortcuts.

The good news is without even knowing much at all your gut instincts tell you what you should do.

"Get outside, go for a walk."

"Let's cook at home tonight."

Start taking action and you will start seeing results!

A Quote to Think About Today


"The magic you are looking for is in the WORK you keep avoiding The boring. Monotonous. Tedious. Non-sexy. WORK.


Most of you KNOW what to do. But you try to convince yourself there is some hack, some trick, some SECRET that would allow you to get what you want without having to do the boring everyday shit. It doesn’t exist. Here’s the secret: the work IS THE MAGIC."

-Layne Norton, PHD Nutritional Sciences


Hope you have a great weekend!

Best, Nate Brown Fast and Swole Training

PS. A reminder that if you're one of the next 5 people to sign up for my Zero Food Restrictions Fat Loss Coaching you will receive an additional month for free...

Hit reply with "I'm interested" and I will send you the application


