Job Fit Assessments for Reduced Turnover - Restaurants
The fast food industry is plagued with turnover. Hiring managers need to know immediately if an applicant's work-related values are acceptable. An employer needs to know if the candidate's work ethic which includes their reliability, integrity, honesty and propensity for substance abuse pass the hiring test.
Why Assess Employees with The Step One Survey 11?
It’s a startling fact: employee theft and fraud averages $9.00 a day per employee! That’s about $2,000 per employee subtracted from your bottom line every year. SOSII helps organizations reduce hiring risk in a quick and cost effective manner. It is a scientifically designed assessment tool that helps answer these questions:
- "Can the applicant be trusted?"
- "Is the applicant drug free?"
- "Is the applicant dependable?"
- "Will this applicant be a long-term, hard-working employee?"
In many organizations, SOSII is the first screen that all applicants must pass before proceeding in the hiring process.
Did You Know?
? 95% of employers are victims of theft.
? 17% of violent crimes occur in the workplace.
? 30% of job applications contain false information.
How does the SOSII assessment work?
Most of our clients require job candidates to take the SOSII online before requesting them to interview. An HR administrator simply forwards a link to job candidates. This fifteen minute assessment does not need to be monitored, so the candidate can take it from any computer with Internet access. The system instantly scores the assessment and informs the hiring managers where they can access the results.
Insights For Performance - Who We Are
Make hiring right the first time your competitive advantage!
Assessment Pricing Model
Quantity discounts apply to all assessment purchases - IFP creates your secure branded hosted assessment management site at no charge, and IFP consultancy services, training, assessment deployment, report generation and more are without any cost to client.
Not sure what kind of assessment you need? See Selecting the Right Assessment