Fast Five Newsletter: Fitness Means Nothing Until It Means Everything, Stop Making This Mistake With Your Diet

Fast Five Newsletter: Fitness Means Nothing Until It Means Everything, Stop Making This Mistake With Your Diet

Happy Friday!


Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your mindset this week.


2 Fitness Tools

1. Questions I Get All the Time As A Fitness Coach

"What do you think about...


Ice baths...




Cutting out x,y,z..."


Coming from people who don't go to the gym multiple days a week or consistently watch their calorie intake.


The solution to your problem is in the work you don't want to do.


NOT a magic trick, special pill, or black and white eat this not that.


Consistency gets results, not marketed hype... but marketed hype sells better.


There's no way to out supplement or out biohack your poor lifestyle habits.


Taking a cold plunge instead of going to the gym this week doesn't make sense.


Taking a fat burner instead of being accountable for your eating doesn't make sense.


Going all or nothing with your diet and eliminating carbs, sugar, and random shit an influencer told you to in the grocery store video doesn't make sense.


People want black-and-white solutions to a problem that lives in the grey.


Becoming obese = consistent lifestyle behaviors that lead to chronic overconsumption of calories?


Becoming fit = consistent lifestyle behaviors that lead to a calorie deficit, (fat loss) exercise routine, (to build muscle and health benefits) and portion control to maintain your healthy weight.


Getting in shape and becoming healthy takes work.


But the tradeoffs are worth it.

2. The Word "Fitness" Means Nothing Until One Day It Means Everything

"I want to get in better shape"


"I want to feel better"


"I want to build some more muscle"


But what does that actually mean and look like?


Right now getting into the gym and working out probably feels like a chore.


You know you "should" be exercising to be healthier...


But kids...


Your job...


Just life seems to keep you out of the gym...


The truth is...


Fitness doesn't matter when life is going well and you're not feeling the consequences of not being fit.


But when you can't get on the floor to play with your kids...


OR go for a walk without getting winded...


It starts to matter.


When you are no longer able to do things...


It starts to matter.


When the doctor puts you on another medication...


It starts to matter.


You say you'd do anything for your kids...


But will you get healthy for them?


Will you live it?


Kids follow what you do, not what you say.


Go for a 20 minute walk every day.


Actually eat more vegetables like the ones you tell them to eat.


Look at your schedule with your partner and figure out when one can go to the gym and the other can watch the kids.


Order a pair of adjustable dumbbells if you can only make it happen at home.


Plan balanced meals for the week and grocery shop for success with your health.


Circle date night on the calendar and make it happen.


Some of these things may not apply to you...


But regardless your body doesn't care what your schedule is like right now.?


But if you're willing to get creative you can make it happen.


You deserve to be healthy!


2 Dieting Tips ?

1. If Your Health is Determined By This... It's Not Going to Work


If your health is determined by sticking to a shitty unrealistic diet plan...


It's not going to work.


Your nutrition and exercise choices must be built into your habits and lifestyle.


The person who eats 3 square meals, and sticks to 2 snacks every day will see better results than the ketologist who exterminates carbs from their life for months at a time. ?

2. Stop Making This Mistake With Your Diet

"Once the candy is out of the house I'm going to start eating clean again!"


"I ate really bad today, but going to do extra cardio to make up for it tomorrow!"


"The next couple months are the holidays so I'll just start in January."


If you keep going on a "diet" to try and lose weight...


You'll gain all the weight back as soon as you stop the diet.


You've seen it happen yourself.


Lose 20-30lbs...


Then slowly...


It creeps back.


When in reality...


Your diet is simply the sum of the food you consume.




Your diet needs to be how you eat normally.


Accounting for your lifestyle and food preferences.


Instead of an all or nothing on and off switch with how you're eating...


Small shifts are what you want to make.


The more restrictive and drastic a change you make...


The more likely you're going to rebound the opposite direction.


Don't do anything now that you don't care to keep doing the rest of your life.


YES when you get down to your goal weight you will be able to consume more calories to be at maintenance...


But it's only a few hundred calories.


So whatever changes you're making now you have to be willing to keep up forever.


So you better be utilizing an approach that you enjoy and is actually sustainable! ?


Meaning you can enjoy the holidays every year WITHOUT putting on 15 months from November to January...


That you can still exercise for 20 minutes 3 days a week even if it's your busiest, craziest, time of year at work...


It's keeping your nutrition and exercise ball rolling even if it's just millimeters forward...


This is what builds your health for life!



A Quote to Think About Today

"3 hours of exercise a week is enough to reduce your risk of heart disease, depression, weight gain, diabetes, certain types of cancers, and premature death.

That's 1.8% of your time."

-Jonathan Goodman Author?


Hope you have a great weekend!

Best, Nate Brown Fast and Swole Training ?

PS. Here are a few ways I can help you more


1. If you want to be personally coached by me through your fat loss journey on a diet with ZERO food restrictions, no BS supps, and without killing yourself in the gym message me "Ready" and I will get you the details on my 1-on-1 online coaching.


2. If you want to join my free Facebook group of like-minded individuals looking to get in their best shape ever after 30 message me "Group" and I'll send ya the link.

3. If you want my 7 Step Checklist on How to Lose Fat At Any Age message me "Checklist" and I'll send it your way. ?


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