Fast Five Friday Newsletter ((Why You Should Eat Carbs At Night to Lose Weight, A Resource for Calorie Friendly Recipes)
Happy Friday!
Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your mindset this week.
2 Fitness Tools
1. Your Daily Success Checklist
Everyday you want to ask yourself these questions...
By asking yourself these questions?everyday you are staying aware of your actions.
When you are aware of your actions...
Then you can make the proper adjustments and changes to stay on track!
Reaching a BIG goal requires hitting several SMALL steps everyday over time.
There is no cheat code to getting real results.
The more honest you can be with yourself while simultaneously caring and prioritizing your needs will get you the farthest!
Make these positive changes because you love yourself and to make yourself more awesome!?
Not because it's a chore or punishment...
All these steps are for you!
2. Why It's All YOUR FAULT (Don't Worry It Gets Better)
I see no downside to taking full responsibility for your life.
As Tony Robbins says, "Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you."
Sure some things are outside of your control.
But what's the benefit of blaming others and being a victim?
Even if it's true... It won't help you.
Instead turn the negative into a positive.
Find a silver lining.
Even if it's an extremely difficult situation... Focus on the GROWTH and the stronger person you will have to become to overcome it.
It's on you.
No one else is controlling your hands and what you choose to put in your mouth.
Unhappy all the time?
No one else is in control of your thoughts and actions you take everyday.
Our happiness is a choice.
Our life is our choice.
Taking responsibility for your life means that you get to take the wheel, and choose your next destination no matter what bumpy roads you've traveled before.
Saying that it's someone else's fault...
Means your hands are tied in the back seat.
That you have no control of where you go next.
That's not true. I'll choose the first option every time.
You will only go as far as your faith and beliefs will allow!??
2 Dieting Tips ?
1. Are Carbs At Night Making You Fat?
Here is the truth, carbs at night are not going to make you fat. ?
Eating late at night in general isn't going to either. Multiple studies have been done comparing different eating times to see which resulted in the greatest weight gain/fat loss.
Here is the thing, studies have found that weight loss is superior in early day eaters, but they have also found the same thing in late night eaters as well! The major factor in weight gain and fat loss is energy balance.
If you're consuming more calories than your body needs and is burning, you will gain weight.
If you're eating less calories than your body needs you will lose weight. So at the end of the day if eating later in the day works for you, keep doing it!?
Enjoy your life and stick with the approach that works for you! ?
If you notice you have trouble sleeping at night when you eat late and don't feel good, then don't do it.
Everything always comes back to the individual.
You have to experiment and test to find out what approach is best for you.
If you're curious about this topic you can check out these studies here?
2. A Resource for Delicious Calorie Friendly Recipes ?
I get asked about recipes all the time and I'm no Gordon Ramsay...
But I do have a friend on Instagram Mason Woodruff who makes incredible recipes!
Some of my personal favorites are his Pulled Pork Sandwiches with High Protein Cole Slaw, and his rendition?of the Cheesy Gordita Crunch (if you know Taco Bell you know what I'm saying ;)
If you click the link in his bio you can then click on any recipe picture on his page to check out the recipe!
He has paid recipe books as well but I find a lot of great stuff from the free resources alone.
So if you're stuck and wanting some more delicious calorie friendly recipes to eat...
Check him out here =>?Kinda Healthy Recipes
A Quote to Think About Today
“Nothing is “That hard” if you try hard.
Which is why most things are hard for most people - they try so little.
The harder you try, the easier it gets.”
-Alex Hormozi
Hope you have a great weekend!
Best, Nate Brown Fast and Swole Training
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PS. Here are a few ways I can help you more
1. If you want to be personally coached by me through your fat loss journey on a diet with ZERO food restrictions, no BS supps, and without having to kill yourself in the gym reply to the email "Ready" and I will get you the details on my 1-on-1 online coaching.
2. If you want to join my free Facebook group of like-minded individuals looking to get in their best shape ever after 30 reply "Group" and I'll send ya the link.
3. If you want my 7 Step Checklist on How to Lose Fat At Any Age reply "Checklist" and I'll send it your way.