Fast Five Friday Newsletter (Why Being LAZY Is An Advantage to Getting Healthy, Why I Eat High Calorie Meals While Dieting)
Happy Friday!
Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your mindset this week.
2 Fitness Tools
1. Being Lazy is An Advantage to Getting Healthy
I'm a 29 year old fitness coach who tells their clients to "leverage their laziness".
What does this mean?
20 minute workouts, watching Netflix while doing cardio, Frozen veggies, protein smoothies, simple meal prep, and dinner out 1x a week.
Lower your baseline for success and you'll actually be consistent long enough to see the results you want.
2. When You Go to Bed Is MORE Important Than When You Wake Up
Getting to the gym to start your day ISN'T about what you do in the morning...
It's about what you do the night before!
If you aren't going to bed on time...
You're set up with the perfect excuse to skip the gym in the morning.
When your alarm goes off and it's time to go to the gym...
If you don't go to bed on time you're much more likely to hit snooze and just miss the gym altogether.
Instead this is what you can do the night before to make sure you show up the next day.
Bonus Bedtime Routine Tips:
-Turn off electronics for that last hour
-No booze during the work week
-No caffeine after 2pm?
-Keep bedroom cool and use a fan or white noise?
When you actually start getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night then it is much easier to start your next day right!
2 Dieting Tips ?
1. Why I Eat High Calorie Meals/Foods While Dieting
A HUGE part of healing my relationship with food was learning about cooking and exploring different recipes.
Food is supposed to ADD more to your life, not be a super stressful preoccupation.
When you focus on adding instead of restricting you eat more protein, fiber, fruits & veggies
While still going out to eat, attending social events, having dessert, and tasty snacks.
YOU DO NOT have to give up any of those things.
Me choosing to create a hobby out of cooking and trying new recipes was an ADDITION to my life that has made me healthier
Sometimes those recipes are high calorie, and don't have a ton of nutrition...
That's 10000% okay.
It's about enjoying how you eat, building sustainable habits, and living a lifestyle that you like.
For me cooking is a great outlet for self expression as well as showing friends and family that I love them through making great meals
The long story short is...
Tie in your "healthy" habits into a larger meaning and value system of your life.
Then you're no longer "trying" and "restricting", you're just living in alignment.
2. Realistic Lifestyle Not Restrictive Dieting Plan
If your health is determined by sticking to a shitty unrealistic diet plan...
It's not going to work.
Your nutrition and exercise choices need to be built in your habits and lifestyle.
The person who eats 3 square meals, and sticks to 2 snacks everyday will see better results than the ketologist who exterminates carbs from their life for months at a time. ?
A Quote to Think About Today
“It’s not about never making mistakes or always getting it right.
People who accomplish major goals do not deal with less adversity than those who don’t.
They deal with MORE.
The adversity & failure is NECESSARY in order to learn, grow, and do better But you can’t do better if you are always waiting for things to be perfect.
Or you quit every time things don’t go according to plan It’s not over if you fail… it’s only over if you quit
You cannot determine everything that happens to you or your circumstances.
You are in control of your attitude & how you respond to setbacks
Stop putting the pressure of perfection on yourself.
You are not what you do perfectly for short periods of time.
You are what you do CONSISTENTLY over long periods of time
You can’t hit home runs if you aren’t willing to swing.
It just means you’ll have to deal with a few strikeouts & disappointments.
This is the ONLY way to accomplish goals Go NOW.
As imperfect as you are.
Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are at,
Not Monday
Not the first of the month
Not The New Year
Right NOW"
-Layne Norton, PhD Nutritional Sciences
Hope you have a great weekend!
Nate Brown
Fast and Swole Training
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PS. Here are a few ways I can help you more
1. If you want to be personally coached by me through your fat loss journey on a diet with ZERO food restrictions, no BS supps, and without having to kill yourself in the gym message me "Ready" and I will get you the details on my 1-on-1 online coaching.
2. If you want to join my free Facebook group of like-minded individuals looking to get in their best shape ever after 30 message me "Group" and I'll send ya the link.
3. If you want my 7 Step Checklist on How to Lose Fat At Any Age message me "Checklist" and I'll send it your way.
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