Fast Five Friday Newsletter (How to Burn Off The Extra Calories You Ate, Winning is LOSING Your All or Nothing Mindset)

Fast Five Friday Newsletter (How to Burn Off The Extra Calories You Ate, Winning is LOSING Your All or Nothing Mindset)

Happy Friday!


Here are 2 fitness tools, 2 dieting tips, and a quote for your fitness this week.


2 Fitness Tools

1. Winning is LOSING Your All or Nothing Mindset

You may struggle with an all or nothing mindset like I have.


When you're on...


You're on 100%.


When you're off...


The wheels have fallen off the wagon. What helped me to shift this mindset was changing my perspective on my goals.


If your goal is weight loss and improving your overall health for the long term...


What does that look like?

Probably like eating mindfully, working out, and taking care of your body.


Now fitting that into a comprehensive lifestyle...


Means that you SHOULD in fact have days where you eat more, enjoy time with friends, and take a break from the gym.


When I had it in my mind I had to live in the gym, eat "clean", and avoid social events because I would go over my calories...


I was HURTING my health.


Instead when you shift your goal to a wholesome lifestyle, embrace food flexibility, and allow yourself to not be perfect...


You can see a lot better results. "I'm going to workout at least 3 days a week and if I have time for an extra day I will."


"I'm going to aim to be close to my target calories each day, but Friday nights I go out with friends and I just want to enjoy our time so I don't track that meal." "Even if I overeat one night, one weekend, or even a week... I'm not undoing all of my progress."


"My health and fitness is a lifestyle?that I LIVE, not an arbitrary end goal that I achieve."


It's never ALL or NOTHING.


If you've set the intent towards your goal and you're showing up for yourself...


That's what matters.


Now you can continue to take action towards your goals and bounce back from mistakes and make adjustments as needed.

2. The Quality of Your Life Starts With the Quality of Your Thoughts

Someone who has it worse than you is happy right now.


Someone who has it better than you is unhappy right now.


The real question is...


Are you happy? ?

When you begin to pay attention to what you say to yourself on a daily basis...




I know I was surprised.


Things like...


"You're so stupid."


"You just need to work harder." ?

"Who are you kidding, that's never going to work."


"Get your shit together." ?

"You know you can do better than this." ?

Thoughts like these focus on: ?

What's NOT working...


What's NOT right...


What you're DOING WRONG. ?

Instead of focusing on: ?

What IS working.




What you're DOING WELL.


This isn't about pretending the world is all unicorns and rainbows...


It's about being honest with yourself.


Speak the truth. ?

"I am doing the best I can." ?

"I'm struggling with this but who can help?" ?

"This insert (shitty thing) happened, but I'm grateful for x,y, and z."


If you can change the way you talk to yourself... ?

You change the way you treat yourself... ?

The way you treat others... ?

and you change your whole life.


2 Dieting Tips ?

1. How to Burn Off the Extra Calories You Ate

You don't.


You're not going to.


If you ate an extra 1000, 2000, or 3000 calories...


You're not going to burn it off today, or tomorrow.


Instead of flailing your body on a treadmill while curling shake weights for 3 hours on your day off...


Just start your normal routine again.

Embrace the fact that you enjoyed yourself and don't regret it or feel guilty for a second.


When we punish ourselves with extra cardio, or not eating and depriving ourselves in response to a day off track...


We are training ourselves to have a bad relationship with food and exercise.


Eat too much...


We punish with exercise and restrict ourselves even more. Get burned out by unrealistic expectations, training too hard, cave to temptation and eat too much...


The cycle repeats.


Instead accept the fact that you are going to eat more food on occasion.


Whether it's a party, night out with friends, or because you just want to!


This is normal and perfectly healthy behavior.


When you stop beating yourself for having these days...


You can stay on track and consistent with your health and fitness for years.


It's what you do consistently that matters the most.


If you consistently?work out and eat well 80% of the time...


The other 20% you can enjoy that pizza, glass of wine, or ice cream cone. ?

Your health and fitness is on a spectrum... never at 0% or 100%!


2. Should You Eat Breakfast?

Do you think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?


Will you whither into nothing and lose all of your hard earned muscle if you skip breakfast?


Is skipping breakfast unhealthy?


Here are the facts.


Breakfast is just another meal of the day.


Even when you're doing intermittent fasting for example, you're still technically eating breakfast.


Breakfast = break fast.


Breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day.


It is WHAT YOU EAT IN A DAY that is most important.


This will determine whether you gain or lose weight, and the amount of nutrients that you get.


It is the COMPOSITION AND THE AMOUNT OF FOOD that you eat that is most important.


If you LOVE BREAKFAST and are MISERABLE without it, then still eat breakfast!


If you're never hungry in the morning and feel 10x better not eating and waiting till later than that is cool too.


If you want to do intermittent fasting that is great!


If you don't, that is fine.


Just remember to listen to your body, experiment, and find the approach that will work best for you long term!


A Quote to Think About Today

"I do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works."

-Arnold Schwarzenegger


Hope you have a great weekend!

Best, Nate Brown

Fast and Swole Training

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PS. Here are a few ways I can help you more


1. If you want to be personally coached by me through your fat loss journey on a diet with ZERO food restrictions, no BS supps, and without having to kill yourself in the gym reply to the email "Ready" and I will get you the details on my 1-on-1 online coaching.


2. If you want to join my free Facebook group of like-minded individuals looking to get in their best shape ever after 30 reply "Group" and I'll send ya the link.

3. If you want my 7 Step Checklist on How to Lose Fat At Any Age reply "Checklist" and I'll send it your way.


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