Paul J. Inferrera, SET
Training Solutions Consultant at Instructional Design Group, LLC
The following are excerpts from a list of frequently asked questions or FAQ's. If you have a question about the course please email the instructor at [email protected].
Q: "Will your course prepare me for the new NICET inspection certification"?
A: Yes. Actually, our Alarms 101 class will go beyond the test and inspection aspects of fire alarm systems and include installation and our code requirements as well.
“I need 30 CPD points to recertify and wanted to take your course, but I won’t finish the class before it expires. What can I do?”
Q: “I need 30 CPD points to recertify and wanted to take your course, but I won’t finish the class before it expires. What can I do?”
A: Submit your application to NICET before your certification expires to avoid the late fee, but you must provide some additional documentation as well. Our registrar’s office will provide you with proof that you are registered in the class and include the completion date. Upon successful completion, send NICET a copy of your Certificate of Attendance.
Q; “Why does your course still reference the 2007 code?”
A; Both our Alarms 101 and Alarms 102 course(s) reference the 2007 and 2013 editions of NFPA 72 and we do this for a few reasons. The main driver is that NICET has upgraded their allowable references to the 2013 edition, although you may use earlier editions for their exam. However, there are many municipalities and jurisdictions that reference the 2007, and sometimes earlier editions of the code. Some students use the course to become familiar with the NFPA 72 chapter re-origination from the 2007 to 2010 editions where the National Fire Alarm Code became the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
Q: “Will your course help me even though I am not taking the NICET exam?”
A: Absolutely! Our course(s) extensively cover the codes and standards that are used to design, install, service, inspect and maintain fire alarm and signaling systems. Participants will become familiar with NFPA 70, NFPA 72, NFPA 101 and the IBC. In all areas, our lesson material presents a broader depth of knowledge that is required for most industry exams. Feedback from one student expressed that the NICET exam was easy after completing our class.
"I work during the day. Is it possible to take your class at night?"
Q: "I work during the day. Is it possible to take your class at night?"
A: Yes. Our courses are available to anyone with an Internet connection 24/7 and you work at your own pace. The classes have due dates, but that is too keep students on track. You basically have four months to complete all the assignments.
Q: “How would your course prepare me for the Level II exam?”
A: The lessons for the course were created from the “Knowledge” required for each task listed in the NICET Content Outlines. The material and the test questions are drawn from NICET’s Selected General References focusing on the codes allowed during the exam. Also, our electronic tests and exams are delivered in a format similar to what you can expect on the CBT (Computer-Based Testing) exam. You will learn the material and get practice taking an electronic exam.
Q: "So your online class is actually a college course?"
A: Absolutely! Both our Alarms 101 and Alarms 102 classes offer 14.4 CEU's each and the lab offers 1.6 CEU's, which can be used to maintain a license (electrical) or other industry certification (CFPS) that accepts CEU's.
“Why are your courses so cheap when other training providers charge about the same for only a fraction of the CEU’s?”
Q: “Why are your courses so cheap when other training providers charge about the same for only a fraction of the CEU’s?”
A: Our Alarms 101 and Alarms 102 courses cost $180 (USD) each to register and award 14.4 CEU’s. Rather than a one-day seminar or a 6 to 9-hour session, our courses run four months (144 hours) and cover 48 lessons. Our classes are offered by a state-run community college which also helps to keep the cost low.
Q: “What is the difference between, as you say “better prepared to take the NICET exam” and a NICET Prep Course?”
A: Some offerings described as prep courses will present practice test questions to memorize for the NICET exam. Fire Alarm Systems Training at CFCC is a four-month college course that awards CEU’s. Although each course includes over a thousand questions from various codes in the electronic test for 48 lessons, you will acquire knowledge and learn the material.
The NICET certification process evaluates an individual’s knowledge and experience in a particular discipline. Our training program will increase your knowledge and better prepare you to take the NICET exam.
"Can I take class if I am not a citizen of USA?"
Q: "Can I take class if I am not a citizen of USA?"
A: Yes. Our Alarms 101 and Alarms 102 course(s) are available to anyone with Internet access. The fee is $180 USD (each), but non-US students cannot register online.
Paul J. Inferrera, SET has over 30 years combined experience in the fire protection industry and the Lead Instructor of Fire Alarms Systems Training at Cape Fear Community College. Paul is also a NICET Ambassador; ASCET's Communication's Manager and serves on the NICET Board of Governors. You may contact Paul at [email protected].