Fast Expanding chain of Brazilian Restaurants
This particular client is expanding his empire based on the growing trend and desire for good real, fresh cooked food and a health conscious nation who want to take the time to talk around the table whilst eating and drinking. The offering of these restaurants surround the center piece of hand carved meat in ample amounts as so requested and cooked as desired and carved at the table. Alongside the meat offering there is a fresh all you can eat buffet which on its own would satisfy. It is a licenced restaurant so as you would expect with a venue of this caliber there is a decent offering of wine, spirits, beers and of course cocktails. A great fun venue with a lively atmosphere. Popular with the young, old and in-betweeners. You will find these popping up all over, generally but not exclusively close to leisure complexes. Estabulo Bar & Grill Ltd sites presently in Wakefield, Leeds (x 2), Beverly and very soon in Harrogate.
We have worked with this client since inception and so the line of branding is largely established. Our role in this venue is very much hands on and very much managed. We work with line managers and present them with their options based on their branding, historical orders and cover numbers. Our style of hands on management in this regard releases the line managers to concentrate on local recruitment and other time critical matters Our expertise and knowledge helps us to ensure that the refit from our point of view is financially contained and delivered on time. Where possible providing like to like alternatives that deliver cost savings without compromising on quality. For these refits we provide everything from kitchen, to bar, to washroom (and the all important cost saving liquid wax candles you will see me post about soon!) A challenging and rewarding client who keeps us on our toes. Zac you had a vision. You built a team and your empire is underway. We are proud to assist and be part of that.
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