Is There a Fast Exit for Millions of Non British National Overseas in Hong Kong?
Derek Watkins
Abstract Realist Portrait Artist – Revealing the Soul Beyond the Surface Through a Fusion of Abstraction, Emotion, and Light
The new Hong Kong security law came into effect at 23.00 local time on 30 June giving Beijing the powers to shape life in Hong Kong like never before. This controversial law gives the Chinese government sweeping powers over the semi-autonomous territory in a move critics say will crush its freedoms.
Why are the People in Hong Kong so Afraid
Far-reaching and punitive, the law threatens the freewheeling cultural scene and civil society that make the fabric of life in Hong Kong so distinct from the rest of China.
Legal experts and critics said the law was overarching both in the definition of the crimes as well as its scope. What constitutes ‘endangering national security’? It’s very broad. Basically, anything can amount to national security threats. No one will feel safe, even foreigners. Anyone with permanent residence, irrespective of their nationality, could be prosecuted.
Critics have called it the end of Hong Kong, so what do we know and what do people fear most? Many fear the loss of Hong Kong’s freedoms with this law.
Beijing will establish a new security office in Hong Kong with its own law enforcement personnel, some trials will be held behind closed doors, suspects can be wire-tapped and place under surveillance and some cases can even be trialled in mainland China.
So What are the Security and Exit Options Available?
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson offers British National Oversea in Hong Kong and route to Citizenship. This new route is for those with British National Overseas status and their dependents only.
What are the Options Open to the Millions of Non British National Overseas in Hong Kong?
One of the most effective and quickest ways of securing your family’s well being, safety, security and future is by obtaining a European passport.
Second passports do however require a significant investment in real estate. For wealthy individuals, investing in the safety and security of their family and global assets is paramount especially with this new wide sweeping law being imposed on them.
European Union Passports can be obtained in just 6 months and the level of investment required is €2.15m however for many this maybe the best investment that they can make particularly if they also get a very sound financial return from their investment.
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