Fast To Apply, Slow To Get Offers, When You Apply To Jobs On Your Phone
Phil Rosenberg
Free Resume/Search Webinar: Register@ , I help you solve your toughest job search challenges, cutting 50K+ job searches in half. LinkedIn's most connected Career Coach (30K+ 40M).
If you want to find your next job faster in early 2025, ditch your phone ...
While I'm not suggesting you toss you mobile phone out the window, I am suggesting that you don't want to apply for jobs on your phone.
There's a regular long-term unemployed poster on LinkedIn, who made a LinkedIn comment describing job search mistakes he's making that are keeping him long-term unemployed, struggling, being ghosted, and why he's not getting interviews when he's qualified, when he posted:
"From my experiences, it is best to download many job search apps on your phone if you have a smart-phone. This is because it is statistically easier and faster to apply for better-paying jobs on your smart-phone than using a desk-top computer."
This was more than a year ago and he's still long-term unemployed and struggling, living proof of a failed job search strategy.
And while he's right that it's easier and faster to apply for jobs on your phone, it's also highly unlikely you'll get interviews from jobs you've applied to on your phone. Even worse, it's almost impossible to advance in the interview process when you apply using your phone, because the few times you might get interviews, they are the lowest quality of interviews an employer offers (ones with the worst chances of getting hired).
Here are 3 reasons why you don't want to apply for jobs on your phone, if you want to find your next job fast in early 2025:
And when you do get a interview by applying with a standard resume, you're getting the lowest quality interviews. Like interviews that are given to candidates they have no interest in considering for hire, to document why they aren't going to hire you, satisfying compliance or comparison HR policies.
Those aren't the interviews you want, if you're trying to find your next job faster in early 2025.
Good thing there's a better way to get more interviews, advance more often, and accelerate your job search in 2025.
Plus, there are even more strategies that will make it easier to find your next job in early 2025, and steps you can take right now to give you an advantage over your competitors. These strategies give you a head start, positioning you to be a hiring manager's top choice for new jobs being hired in 2025.
During my next free Resume Webinar - Find Your Next Job In Early 2025, I'll teach you how to change your resume/interview/job search strategy to accelerate your job search. While we're at it, I'll show you how to change your resume, interview and job search strategy to one that proves success to make sure you'll find your next job in early 2025.
Join me for my next free Resume Webinar (enroll at for no charge) and learn how to accelerate your job search, so you can find your next job faster in 2025.
Free Resume/Search Webinar: Register@ , I help you solve your toughest job search challenges, cutting 50K+ job searches in half. LinkedIn's most connected Career Coach (30K+ 40M).
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