Fast Access Blockchain to Work with the Government of El Salvador!

Fast Access Blockchain to Work with the Government of El Salvador!

What You Need to Know?

At the invitation of Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador, Paul Liu, Chairman of the FAB (Fast Acces Blockchain) Foundation and President of Aukfa Inc, will visit El Salvador on September 20th, 2022. This invitation and opportunity is truly a great honor for FAB, and we would like to express our gratitude to the government of El Salvador!

Upon meeting, the two parties will utilize the FAB public blockchain and Pay.Cool technology to build El Salvador’s national digital currency and payment system. FAB will meet with government officials including the president, vice president, finance minister, economy minister, central bank governor, chief economist, and more.?

Accompanying Paul Liu were Daniel Sun, the executive director of the Pay.Cool Group, Dora Tang, the CEO of eXchangily decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, and Esteban Eduardo, the CEO of the Alpha Investment Consulting Company from the USA.

El Salvador’s History with Crypto

On Spetember 7, 2021, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele announced that the country would roll out a bill to make the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, legal tender in the South American nation. Over 1 year later, despite a few ups and downs, overall, this monumentally historic decision has proved beneficial for El Salvador. GDP, exports, economic activity, infrastructure and tourism have all seen substantial growth due to this bill.?

What can FAB and Pay.Cool Offer?

FAB, or Fast Access Blockchain, is the new generation public blockchain (decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network) developed by a team of North American experts. It has integrated the security of the Bitcoin blockchain (UTXO), the smart contract function of the Ethereum blockchain (EVM), and the unique technology of SCAR and KANBAN. This blockchain can help to improve security and speed of crypto transactions in the country.?

Pay.Cool is the fastest and safest on-chain crypto payment tool in the market. This app has a revolutionary Consumerchant incentive business model and is supported by a high-performance public blockchain technology – Fast Access Blockchain. It works perfectly for both merchants and consumers daily shopping activities, perfect for using BTC for daily transactions.

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