FASHION MODELING By Clyde McDonald Photography
TGIF’s Fun Fashion Friday’s “Fashion Modeling” image - is in honor of the Birthday Girl on her big 18th & all the 2020 Srs who found other creative things to do in their Prom Wear since they missed Proms,... like posing for a photoshoot in the rain down by the River. #clydemcdonaldphotography#fashionmodeling #fashionphotography #prettygirl#beautifulmodel #promgown #shimmerygown#singingintherain #downbytheriverside #birthdaygirl#18thbirthday #2020lostseniors #modelingfun#barefootedbeauty #sweetgirl #justhavingfun
@taylor.murrayyyy @mandybbailey @mcdonaldclyde — with Taylor Murray and Mandy Bailey.